
Latest version: v2.1.0

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- FIXED: Issue where canvas elements of a 'layered' watermark were being incorrectly drawn
- Added config.json and config sub-module to gui sub-package


- NEW: Added convert module for image to pdf conversion and visa versa
- Created pdf2img and img2pdf wrapper functions

- FIXED: pagescale parameter placement in WatermarkDraw call in watermark.py draw method
- Was causing a syntax error


- FIXED: Issue where Flatten class created incorrectly scaled PDF documents
- Issue was created by pagescaling in WatermarkDraw __init__ method
- Fixed by added parameter pagescale set to default of False


- FIXED: Issue where watermark was inconsistently place on 11x17 PDF documents
- Added watermark pagesize scaling to WatermarkDraw method
- Improved test_watermark unittests


- The pdfconduit package has been divided into several sub-packages (conduit and gui).

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