
Latest version: v2.1.0

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- Improved Watermark.draw() method functionality
- Modified constructor.py to handle cases where text2, image or copyright are None
- Updated constructor.py handles scenario where image directory is not available


- Fixed issue where watermarker.py would exit with a warning on windows
- Identified merge.py as a possible cause of UnclosedResource warnings
- Improved test_merge.py test suite


- Added tabs to watermark GUI form
- Only on Windows (PySimpleGUI tabs are currently ugly on MacOS)
- Console no longer appears when watermarker.exe is launched


- Fixed issue when text from Label class was too big
- Added flat method to samples.py
- Created function to calculate font size in Label class


- Fixed issue in add.py where upscale call was giving unneeded margin_x param
- Added assertion to slice.py to validate page_range
- Moved target_w and target_h params to __init__ method of upscale.py
- Removed redundant tests from test_upscale_pypdf3.py
- Added PDF dimensions print statements to test_upscale tearDown methods
- Added Flat vs. Layered PDF generator to samples.py


- Added PyMuPDF and tqdm to install_requires
- PyMuPDF is a dependency of the flatten module
- tqdm is a dependency of several time intensive modules
- Created flatten module to convert PDF page contents to singular flat layer
- Added flatten.py file
- Convert PDF file into PNG file for each page
- Convert images into multiple PDFs or a single merged PDF
- Added flatten parameter to watermarker GUI

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