
Latest version: v0.11.1

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- Fix docstrings for class variables inherited from object/builtins values.
- Fix: In HTML output, never link function parameter names to
outer-scope identifiers.
- Fix regression with relative directory paths introduced in 0.7.3.


- Fix regression introduced in 0.7.0: Hide private instance variables even
when they have PEP 224 docstrings.


- Sort subclasses for cross-platform consistency.
- Support brace-expanded parameters in docstrings (e.g. `{x,y}_partial`).
- Fixes:
- Document compiled/bytecode modules.
- Fix exception when `__pdoc__`-hiding docstrings for inherited members.
- Determine class instantiation parameters by reading the signature
of class itself, not of its `__init__`.
- Prevent trailing single quote in string (i.e. forward-declared)
type annotations.
- Fix backtick references following fenced code blocks.
- Allow wrapped lines in "See Also" numpydoc section.


- Fix regression bug introduced in v0.7.1.


- Fix regression bug introduced with HTML-escaping function parameters
default values in v0.6.4.


- Better handling of descriptors.
- "Browse git" link pointing to e.g. GitHub added to documented identifiers
in HTML template. Controlled with new `git_link_template` config tunable.

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