
Latest version: v0.11.1

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- Only close standard input if `--close-stdin` is used. This flips
the previous (hopefully rarely required) default.
- Fix backslashes in relative `Doc.url()` on Windos.
- New support for `.. include::` reST directive that includes
verbatim content from another file.
- Dev web server (`--http`) fixes:
- Unify `--http` and non-`--http` behavior by always adding
cwd to `sys.path`.
- Fix favicon.ico errors in `--http` mode.
- HTML template:
- Make TOC reference lists two- or three-column only if enough room for it.
- Fix: Hyperlink raw URLs.
- New optional sorting of variables, functions, classes.
- New configurable Highlight.js style.


- Add `__main__.py` so users can invoke `python -m pdoc`.
- Fix: List builtin class method descriptors
- Google docstring format fixes:
- Support for 2-space indents.
- Recognize sections even when not preceded by an empty line.
- Recognize additional characters (`,=[]`) in type specifications.
- HTML template fixes:
- Fixed some CSS typos.
- Re-styled View Source button in HTML template.
- Two-column TOC reference lists only when all names are short.
- TOC links for some class no longer lead to its ancestor class.


- Markdown >= 3.0.0 requirement.


- Relicensed as AGPL-3.0.
- Major refactoring, Python 3 compatibility.
- Support Numpydoc, Google-style docstrings, and some reST directives.
- CLI changes:
- Specifying modules/packages to document if mandatory.
- Identifier filtering can be turned on with an optional `--filter`
- Argument `--all-submodules` is removed.
- To avoid polluting the python package with scattered *.html files,
the default `--html-dir` now points to `./html`.
- Arguments `--http-host` and `--http-port` are removed in favor
of passing a parameter to argument `--http`.
- Program errors if specified template directory is invalid.
- All document objects have a `.obj` property, pointing to the raw
Python object.
- Major template updates:
- Template exceptions are propagated to stderr.
- Major refactoring (modern HTML5) of the HTML template.
- HTML template loads Normalize.css and Highlight.js from CDN.
- HTML template output is minified.
- HTML template includes sub-templates (config.mako, head.mako, logo.mako,
credits.mako) to more easily adapt it.
- In HTML template, module headings are extracted into sidebar TOC.
- `Function.params()` returns only public parameters.
- To disable documenting an identifier with `__pdoc__`, prefer `False`
to `None` (deprecated).


- Source code is extracted from __wrapped__ if it exists, and then
falls back to inspect.getsourcelines. This reverses the behavior
implemented in 6.
- Fix Python 2.6 compatibility by requiring Markdown < 2.5 (19).
Markdown 2.5 dropped support for Python 2.6.
- Get rid of tabs that sneaked in from 17.
- Fix pep8 violations.


- Major HTML face lift. Kudos to knadh!
(PR: https://github.com/BurntSushi/pdoc/pull/17)

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