- added "gray" option back to select_canvas
- images added to the project with "copy" or "mod" mode will, by default, keep their file ending. there is also a new resizing option for mod, which will downsize the images to the specified "resize_max_dim" while maintaining aspect ratio
new functionality:
- plugins! phenopype can now check for external packages and, if available, load functions that utilize them. currently, this includes "phenomorph" for automatic landmark detection (using a dlib backend), and keras (using a tensorflow backend) for deep learning based segmentation. if the packages are not installed to the same python environment as phenopype they simply wont work (with a warning).
- option "visualize" for the Pype class is now "autoshow" and can be used independently from "feedback"
- new function: pp.print_colours() will show the names from W3 colour palette that can be used for all functions accepting colour arguments as strings