
Latest version: v1.7.2

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- Updated to be compatible with Numpy 2.0 (thanks Ashley Anderson aganders3)
- Removed leftover debugging `print()` statement from `kl_` boolean functions (thanks Bakhrom Oripov bakhromtjk)


New features
- Path.interpolate() now allows easy placement of objects alongside a path (e.g. for placing vias). See [the tutorial]( for more information
- Allow `Device.get_ports()` to be used with arrays
- Allow setting `num_cpu` in the new `pg.kl_boolean()`, `pg.kl_offset`, `pg.kl_invert()` functions. Global defaults for the number of CPU to be used can be set with e.g. `phidl.config["NUM_CPU"] = 8`
- Added `pg.flatten()` convenience function. This is identical to `Device.flatten()` but instead of modifying the geometry in-place, returns a flattened copy (thanks Bas Nijholt basnijholt)
- Fixed an issue from `gdspy` where property keys are incorrectly interpreted as signed integers when importing GDS files using `import_gds()` (thanks Bas Nijholt basnijholt)

- Fixed rare problem with mew `pg.kl_invert()` function when `tile_size` was too small


Major optimization update!

New features
- New KLayout-based boolean/offset/outline functions! These are under the name `pg.kl_boolean()`, `pg.kl_offset`, etc. They utilize the excellent KLayout tile processor, which allows breaking down & parallelizing these operations--in a nutshell, these operations should be much, much faster.
- Added `D.simplify()`, which allows you to significantly reduce memory usage of a geometry by discarding unnecessarily-precise points from all polygons within a Device. Uses the very robust Ramer–Douglas–Peucker algorithm for simplification.
- Now `pg.gridsweep()` allows `param_x` or `param_y` to be integers, which creates copies of the same parameters in the x or y direction.

- 20x speedup to the internal operation `_merge_nearby_floating_points()` which should significantly speed up large operations (thanks Alex Tait atait)
- New pre-commit using ruff (thanks Bas Nijholt basnijholt)
- Grammar fix to documentation (thanks Ashish Panigrahi paniash)


New features
- Optimized/vectorized point rotation, speeding up the `rotate()` operation by as much as 150x(!) (thanks Bas Nijholt basnijholt)
- Added proper `pg.fill_rectangle()` [examples and documentation](

- Fixed `pg.grid()` to allow for empty `shape` parameter (thanks Samuel Gyger gyger)
- Allow `pg.grid()` spacing to be a single integer (thanks Samuel Gyger gyger)
- Fix to np.bool


- Fixed error in `pg.euler()` and `pp.smooth()` for edge case of nearly-colinear points
- Specify certain numpy arrays as `object` to avoid numpy deprecation (thanks Bas Nijholt basnijholt and Samuel Gyger gyger)
- Corrected docstring for `pg.union()` as it does not accept lists of Devices (improvement for future, thanks Samuel Gyger gyger)


New features
- Addition of `pg.snspd_candelabra()` which creates an optimally-rounded SNSPD with low current crowding and arbtitrarily-high fill factor (thanks Dileep Reddy dileepvr)
- Lazy loading of `matplotlib`, allowing loading the base phidl libraries much faster (thanks Joaquin Matres joamatab)

- Modification to `pg.boolean()` s othat `OR`/union will merge all shapes within one Device, even if the second Device is `None` (thanks
Stijn Balk sbalk)

- Modifying the `parent` of a `DeviceReference` now correctly updates the reference cell (thanks Joaquin Matres joamatab)
- Fix bug in `pg.outline()` when `distance < 0` (thanks yoshi74ls181)
- GDS path objects now copy over when using `pg.import_gds()` (thanks Bas Nijholt basnijholt)
- Preserve and when saving and loading (thanks Bas Nijholt basnijholt)
- `D.remove_layers()` works also with GDS path objects (thanks Joaquin Matres joamatab)

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