Huge update with lots of quality-of-life improvements.
New features
- New [path / waveguide module]( featuring intuitive and fast path building, sub-millisecond polygon generation, and modular cross-sections (thanks to Alex Tait atait, Dylan Oh dmwo, Samuel Gyger gyger, and Florian Vogelbacher).
- Now you can easily `Group` objects for easier manipulation. See the [Group tutorial here](
- Significantly extended documentation, including new tutorials, geometry library description with images, and API / function reference. See
- Docstrings added for all functions
- Addition of `pg.grid()` a grid-placement function for creating 2D arrays of devices (thanks to Samuel Gyger gyger)
- `filename` argument in `write_gds()` can now accept `pathlib` or file buffer (thanks to Samuel Gyger gyger)
- int-casting fix in `routing` (thanks to Samuel Gyger gyger)
- Fix for `pg.optimal_step()` if `start_width==end_width` and `symmetric==True` (thanks to Ekkehart Schmidt)
- Fix capitalization errors of color names in `Layer` (thanks to Jeff Shainline)
- Fix to `endpoints.setter`