
Latest version: v1.22.0

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Secret columns

All column types can now be secret, rather than being limited to the
``Secret`` column type which is a ``Varchar`` under the hood (courtesy

.. code-block:: python

class Manager(Table):
name = Varchar()
net_worth = Integer(secret=True)

The reason this is useful is you can do queries such as:

.. code-block:: python

>>> Manager.select(exclude_secrets=True).run_sync()
[{'id': 1, 'name': 'Guido'}]

In the Piccolo API project we have ``PiccoloCRUD`` which is an incredibly
powerful way of building an API with very little code. ``PiccoloCRUD`` has an
``exclude_secrets`` option which lets you safely expose your data without
leaking sensitive information.

Pydantic improvements


``create_pydantic_model`` now has a ``max_recursion_depth`` argument, which is
useful when using ``nested=True`` on large database schemas.

.. code-block:: python

>>> create_pydantic_model(MyTable, nested=True, max_recursion_depth=3)

Nested tuple

You can now pass a tuple of columns as the argument to ``nested``:

.. code-block:: python

>>> create_pydantic_model(Band, nested=(Band.manager,))

This gives you more control than just using ``nested=True``.

include_columns / exclude_columns

You can now include / exclude columns from related tables. For example:

.. code-block:: python

>>> create_pydantic_model(Band, nested=(Band.manager,), exclude_columns=(Band.manager.country))


.. code-block:: python

>>> create_pydantic_model(Band, nested=(Band.manager,), include_columns=(Band.name, Band.manager.name))



Not secure

* When using ``piccolo asgi new`` to generate a FastAPI app, the generated code
is now cleaner. It also contains a ``conftest.py`` file, which encourages
people to use ``piccolo tester run`` rather than using ``pytest`` directly.
* Tidied up docs, and added logo.
* Clarified the use of the ``PICCOLO_CONF`` environment variable in the docs
(courtesy theelderbeever).
* ``create_pydantic_model`` now accepts an ``include_columns`` argument, in
case you only want a few columns in your model, it's faster than using
``exclude_columns`` (courtesy sinisaos).
* Updated linters, and fixed new errors.



Not secure

Improved Pydantic docs

The Pydantic docs used to be in the Piccolo API repo, but have been moved over
to this repo. We took this opportunity to improve them significantly with
additional examples. Courtesy sinisaos.

Internal code refactoring

Some of the code has been optimised and cleaned up. Courtesy yezz123.

Schema generation for recursive foreign keys

When using ``piccolo schema generate``, it would get stuck in a loop if a
table had a foreign key column which referenced itself. Thanks to knguyen5
for reporting this issue, and wmshort for implementing the fix. The output
will now look like:

.. code-block:: python

class Employee(Table):
name = Varchar()
manager = ForeignKey("self")

Fixing a bug with Alter.add_column

When using the ``Alter.add_column`` API directly (not via migrations), it would
fail with foreign key columns. For example:

.. code-block:: python


This has now been fixed. Thanks to wmshort for discovering this issue.

create_pydantic_model improvements

Additional fields can now be added to the Pydantic schema. This is useful
when using Pydantic's JSON schema functionality:

.. code-block:: python

my_model = create_pydantic_model(Band, my_extra_field="Hello")
>>> my_model.schema()
{..., "my_extra_field": "Hello"}

This feature was added to support new features in Piccolo Admin.

Fixing a bug with import clashes in migrations

In certain situations it was possible to create a migration file with clashing
imports. For example:

.. code-block:: python

from uuid import UUID
from piccolo.columns.column_types import UUID

Piccolo now tries to detect these clashes, and prevent them. If they can't be
prevented automatically, a warning is shown to the user. Courtesy 0scarB.



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Added Python 3.10 support (courtesy kennethcheo).



Not secure

Fixed schema generation bug

When using ``piccolo schema generate`` to auto generate Piccolo ``Table``
classes from an existing database, it would fail in this situation:

* A table has a column with an index.
* The column name clashed with a Postgres type.

For example, we couldn't auto generate this ``Table`` class:

.. code-block:: python

class MyTable(Table):
time = Timestamp(index=True)

This is because ``time`` is a builtin Postgres type, and the ``CREATE INDEX``
statement being inspected in the database wrapped the column name in quotes,
which broke our regex.

Thanks to knguyen5 for fixing this.

Improved testing docs

A convenience method called ``get_table_classes`` was added to ``Finder``.

``Finder`` is the main class in Piccolo for dynamically importing projects /
apps / tables / migrations etc.

``get_table_classes`` lets us easily get the ``Table`` classes for a project.
This makes writing unit tests easier, when we need to setup a schema.

.. code-block:: python

from unittest import TestCase

from piccolo.table import create_tables, drop_tables
from piccolo.conf.apps import Finder

TABLES = Finder().get_table_classes()

class TestApp(TestCase):
def setUp(self):

def tearDown(self):

def test_app(self):
Do some testing ...

The docs were updated to reflect this.

When dropping tables in a unit test, remember to use ``piccolo tester run``, to
make sure the test database is used.


``get_output_schema`` is the main entrypoint for database reflection in
Piccolo. It has been modified to accept an optional ``Engine`` argument, which
makes it more flexible.



Not secure


Added the ability to refresh the database engine.

.. code-block:: python


This causes the ``Table`` to fetch the ``Engine`` again from your
``piccolo_conf.py`` file. The reason this is useful, is you might change the
``PICCOLO_CONF`` environment variable, and some ``Table`` classes have
already imported an engine. This is now used by the ``piccolo tester run``
command to ensure all ``Table`` classes have the correct engine.

ColumnMeta edge cases

Fixed an edge case where ``ColumnMeta`` couldn't be copied if it had extra
attributes added to it.

Improved column type conversion

When running migrations which change column types, Piccolo now provides the
``USING`` clause to the ``ALTER COLUMN`` DDL statement, which makes it more
likely that type conversion will be successful.

For example, if there is an ``Integer`` column, and it's converted to a
``Varchar`` column, the migration will run fine. In the past, running this in
reverse would fail. Now Postgres will try and cast the values back to integers,
which makes reversing migrations more likely to succeed.

Added drop_tables

There is now a convenience function for dropping several tables in one go. If
the database doesn't support ``CASCADE``, then the tables are sorted based on
their ``ForeignKey`` columns, so they're dropped in the correct order. It all
runs inside a transaction.

.. code-block:: python

from piccolo.table import drop_tables

drop_tables(Band, Manager)

This is a useful tool in unit tests.

Index support in schema generation

When using ``piccolo schema generate``, Piccolo will now reflect the indexes
from the database into the generated ``Table`` classes. Thanks to wmshort for


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