
Latest version: v1.12.0

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This allows you to access features in the database which aren't exposed
directly by Piccolo. For example, Postgres functions:

.. code-block:: python

from piccolo.query import SelectRaw

>>> await Band.select(
... Band.name,
... SelectRaw("log(popularity) AS log_popularity")
... )
[{'name': 'Pythonistas', 'log_popularity': 3.0}]

Large fixtures

Piccolo can now load large fixtures using ``piccolo fixtures load``. The
rows are inserted in batches, so the database adapter doesn't raise any errors.



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Migration file names

The naming convention for migrations has changed slightly. It used to be just
a timestamp - for example:

.. code-block:: text


By convention Python files should start with a letter, and only contain
``a-z``, ``0-9`` and ``_``, so the new format is:

.. code-block:: text


.. note:: You can name a migration file anything you want (it's the ``ID``
value inside it which is important), so this change doesn't break anything.

Enhanced Pydantic configuration

We now expose all of Pydantic's configuration options to

.. code-block:: python

class MyPydanticConfig(pydantic.BaseConfig):
extra = 'forbid'

model = create_pydantic_model(

Thanks to waldner for this.

Other changes

* Fixed a bug with ``get_or_create`` and null columns (thanks to powellnorma
for reporting this issue).
* Updated the Starlite ASGI template, so it uses the latest syntax for mounting
Piccolo Admin (thanks to sinisaos for this, and the Starlite team).



Not secure

``piccolo fixtures load`` is now more intelligent about how it loads data, to
avoid foreign key constraint errors.



Not secure

``Array`` columns now support choices.

.. code-block:: python

class Ticket(Table):
class Extras(str, enum.Enum):
drink = "drink"
snack = "snack"
program = "program"

extras = Array(Varchar(), choices=Extras)

We can then use the ``Enum`` in our queries:

.. code-block:: python

>>> await Ticket.insert(
... Ticket(extras=[Extras.drink, Extras.snack]),
... Ticket(extras=[Extras.program]),
... )

This will also be supported in Piccolo Admin in the next release.



Not secure

You can now use the ``returning`` clause with ``delete`` queries.

For example:

.. code-block:: python

>>> await Band.delete().where(Band.popularity < 100).returning(Band.name)
[{'name': 'Terrible Band'}, {'name': 'Awful Band'}]

This also means you can count the number of deleted rows:

.. code-block:: python

>>> len(await Band.delete().where(Band.popularity < 100).returning(Band.id))

Thanks to waldner for adding this feature.



Not secure

SQLite ``TransactionType``

You can now specify the transaction type for SQLite.

This is useful when using SQLite in production, as it's possible to get
``database locked`` errors if you're running lots of transactions concurrently,
and don't use the correct transaction type.

In this example we use an ``IMMEDIATE`` transaction:

.. code-block:: python

from piccolo.engine.sqlite import TransactionType

async with Band._meta.db.transaction(
band = await Band.objects().get_or_create(Band.name == 'Pythonistas')

We've added a `new tutorial <https://piccolo-orm.readthedocs.io/en/latest/piccolo/tutorials/using_sqlite_and_asyncio_effectively.html>`_
which explains this in more detail, as well as other tips for using asyncio and
SQLite together effectively.

Thanks to powellnorma and sinisaos for their help with this.

Other changes

* Fixed a bug with camelCase column names (we recommend using snake_case, but
sometimes it's unavoidable when using Piccolo with an existing schema).
Thanks to sinisaos for this.
* Fixed a typo in the docs with ``raw`` queries - thanks to StitiFatah for


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