- Replaced broken WMF driver with a WMF stub plugin (see below).
- Fixed writing of mode "1", "L", and "CMYK" PDF images (based on
input from Nicholas Riley and others).
- Fixed adaptive palette conversion for zero-width or zero-height
images (from Chris Cogdon)
- Fixed reading of PNG images from QuickTime 6 (from Paul Pharr)
- Added support for StubImageFile plugins, including stub plugins
for BUFR, FITS, GRIB, and HDF5 files. A stub plugin can identify
a given file format, but relies on application code to open and
save files in that format.
- Added optional "encoding" argument to the ImageFont.truetype
factory. This argument can be used to specify non-Unicode character
maps for fonts that support that. For example, to draw text using
the Microsoft Symbol font, use::
font = ImageFont.truetype("symbol.ttf", 16, encoding="symb")
draw.text((0, 0), unichr(0xF000 + 0xAA))
(note that the symbol font uses characters in the 0xF000-0xF0FF
Common encodings are "unic" (Unicode), "symb" (Microsoft Symbol),
"ADOB" (Adobe Standard), "ADBE" (Adobe Expert), and "armn" (Apple
Roman). See the FreeType documentation for more information.
- Made "putalpha" a bit more robust; you can now attach an alpha
layer to a plain "L" or "RGB" image, and you can also specify
constant alphas instead of alpha layers (using integers or colour
- Added experimental "LA" mode support.
An "LA" image is an "L" image with an attached transparency layer.
Note that support for "LA" is not complete; some operations may
fail or produce unexpected results.
- Added "RankFilter", "MinFilter", "MedianFilter", and "MaxFilter"
classes to the ImageFilter module.
- Improved support for applications using multiple threads; PIL
now releases the global interpreter lock for many CPU-intensive
operations (based on work by Kevin Cazabon).
- Ignore Unicode characters in the PCF loader (from Andres Polit)
- Fixed typo in OleFileIO.loadfat, which could affect loading of
FlashPix and Image Composer images (Daniel Haertle)
- Fixed building on platforms that have Freetype but don't have
Tcl/Tk (Jack Jansen, Luciano Nocera, Piet van Oostrum and others)
- Added EXIF GPSInfo read support for JPEG files. To extract
GPSInfo information, open the file, extract the exif dictionary,
and check for the key 0x8825 (GPSInfo). If present, it contains
a dictionary mapping GPS keys to GPS values. For a list of keys,
see the EXIF specification.
The "ExifTags" module contains a GPSTAGS dictionary mapping GPS
tags to tag names.
- Added DPI read support to the PCX and DCX codecs (info["dpi"]).
- The "show" methods now uses a built-in image viewer on Windows.
This viewer creates an instance of the ImageWindow class (see
below) and keeps it running in a separate thread. NOTE: This
was disabled in 1.1.5a4.
- Added experimental "Window" and "ImageWindow" classes to the
ImageWin module. These classes allow you to create a WCK-style
toplevel window, and use it to display raster data.
- Fixed some Python 1.5.2 issues (to build under 1.5.2, use the
Makefile.pre.in/Setup.in approach)
- Added support for the TIFF FillOrder tag. PIL can read mode "1",
"L", "P" and "RGB" images with non-standard FillOrder (based on
input from Jeff Breidenbach).