
Latest version: v9.5.0.post2

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- The "save" method now looks for a file format driver before
creating the file.

- Don't use antialiased truetype fonts when drawing in mode "P", "I",
and "F" images.

- Rewrote the "setup.py" file. The new version scans for available
support libraries, and configures both the libImaging core library
and the bindings in one step.

To use specific versions of the libraries, edit the ROOT variables
in the setup.py file.

- Removed threaded "show" viewer; use the old "show" implementation
instead (Windows).

- Added deprecation warnings to Image.offset, ImageDraw.setink, and

- Added width option to ImageDraw.line(). The current implementation
works best for straight lines; it does not support line joins, so
polylines won't look good.

- ImageDraw.Draw is now a factory function instead of a class. If
you need to create custom draw classes, inherit from the ImageDraw
class. All other code should use the factory function.

- Fixed loading of certain PCX files (problem reported by Greg
Hamilton, who also provided samples).

- Changed _imagingft.c to require FreeType 2.1 or newer. The
module can still be built with earlier versions; see comments
in _imagingft.c for details.



- Added 'getim' method, which returns a PyCObject wrapping an
Imaging pointer. The description string is set to IMAGING_MAGIC.
See Imaging.h for pointer and string declarations.

- Fixed reading of TIFF JPEG images (problem reported by Ulrik

- Made ImageColor work under Python 1.5.2

- Fixed division by zero "equalize" on very small images (from
Douglas Bagnall).



- The "paste" method now supports the alternative "paste(im, mask)"
syntax (in this case, the box defaults to im's bounding box).

- The "ImageFile.Parser" class now works also for PNG files with
more than one IDAT block.

- Added DPI read/write to the TIFF codec, and fixed writing of
rational values. The decoder sets the info["dpi"] attribute
for TIFF files with appropriate resolution settings. The
encoder uses the "dpi" option.

- Disable interlacing for small (or narrow) GIF images, to
work around what appears to be a hard-to-find bug in PIL's
GIF encoder.

- Fixed writing of mode "P" PDF images. Made mode "1" PDF
images smaller.

- Made the XBM reader a bit more robust; the file may now start
with a few whitespace characters.

- Added support for enhanced metafiles to the WMF driver. The
separate PILWMF kit lets you render both placeable WMF files
and EMF files as raster images. See



- Replaced broken WMF driver with a WMF stub plugin (see below).

- Fixed writing of mode "1", "L", and "CMYK" PDF images (based on
input from Nicholas Riley and others).

- Fixed adaptive palette conversion for zero-width or zero-height
images (from Chris Cogdon)

- Fixed reading of PNG images from QuickTime 6 (from Paul Pharr)

- Added support for StubImageFile plugins, including stub plugins
for BUFR, FITS, GRIB, and HDF5 files. A stub plugin can identify
a given file format, but relies on application code to open and
save files in that format.

- Added optional "encoding" argument to the ImageFont.truetype
factory. This argument can be used to specify non-Unicode character
maps for fonts that support that. For example, to draw text using
the Microsoft Symbol font, use::

font = ImageFont.truetype("symbol.ttf", 16, encoding="symb")
draw.text((0, 0), unichr(0xF000 + 0xAA))

(note that the symbol font uses characters in the 0xF000-0xF0FF

Common encodings are "unic" (Unicode), "symb" (Microsoft Symbol),
"ADOB" (Adobe Standard), "ADBE" (Adobe Expert), and "armn" (Apple
Roman). See the FreeType documentation for more information.

- Made "putalpha" a bit more robust; you can now attach an alpha
layer to a plain "L" or "RGB" image, and you can also specify
constant alphas instead of alpha layers (using integers or colour

- Added experimental "LA" mode support.

An "LA" image is an "L" image with an attached transparency layer.
Note that support for "LA" is not complete; some operations may
fail or produce unexpected results.

- Added "RankFilter", "MinFilter", "MedianFilter", and "MaxFilter"
classes to the ImageFilter module.

- Improved support for applications using multiple threads; PIL
now releases the global interpreter lock for many CPU-intensive
operations (based on work by Kevin Cazabon).

- Ignore Unicode characters in the PCF loader (from Andres Polit)

- Fixed typo in OleFileIO.loadfat, which could affect loading of
FlashPix and Image Composer images (Daniel Haertle)

- Fixed building on platforms that have Freetype but don't have
Tcl/Tk (Jack Jansen, Luciano Nocera, Piet van Oostrum and others)

- Added EXIF GPSInfo read support for JPEG files. To extract
GPSInfo information, open the file, extract the exif dictionary,
and check for the key 0x8825 (GPSInfo). If present, it contains
a dictionary mapping GPS keys to GPS values. For a list of keys,
see the EXIF specification.

The "ExifTags" module contains a GPSTAGS dictionary mapping GPS
tags to tag names.

- Added DPI read support to the PCX and DCX codecs (info["dpi"]).

- The "show" methods now uses a built-in image viewer on Windows.
This viewer creates an instance of the ImageWindow class (see
below) and keeps it running in a separate thread. NOTE: This
was disabled in 1.1.5a4.

- Added experimental "Window" and "ImageWindow" classes to the
ImageWin module. These classes allow you to create a WCK-style
toplevel window, and use it to display raster data.

- Fixed some Python 1.5.2 issues (to build under 1.5.2, use the
Makefile.pre.in/Setup.in approach)

- Added support for the TIFF FillOrder tag. PIL can read mode "1",
"L", "P" and "RGB" images with non-standard FillOrder (based on
input from Jeff Breidenbach).



- Fixed ImageTk build problem on Unix.



- Improved building on Mac OS X (from Jack Jansen).

- Improved building on Windows with MinGW (from Klamer Shutte).

- If no font is specified, ImageDraw now uses the embedded default
font. Use the "load" or "truetype" methods to load a real font.

- Added embedded default font to the ImageFont module (currently
an 8-pixel Courier font, taken from the X window distribution).

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