
Latest version: v9.5.0.post2

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- Added experimental EXIF support for JPEG files. To extract EXIF
information from a JPEG file, open the file as usual, and call the
"_getexif" method. If successful, this method returns a dictionary
mapping EXIF TIFF tags to values. If the file does not contain EXIF
data, the "_getexif" method returns None.

The "ExifTags" module contains a dictionary mapping tags to tag

This interface will most likely change in future versions.

- Fixed a bug when using the "transparency" option with the GIF

- Added limited support for "bitfield compression" in BMP files
and DIB buffers, for 15-bit, 16-bit, and 32-bit images. This
also fixes a problem with ImageGrab module when copying screen-
dumps from the clipboard on 15/16/32-bit displays.

- Added experimental WAL (Quake 2 textures) loader. To use this
loader, import WalImageFile and call the "open" method in that



- Added updated SANE driver (Andrew Kuchling, Abel Deuring)

- Use Python's "mmap" module on non-Windows platforms to read some
uncompressed formats using memory mapping. Also added a "frombuffer"
function that allows you to access the contents of an existing string
or buffer object as if it were an image object.

- Fixed a memory leak that could appear when processing mode "P"
images (from Pier Paolo Glave)

- Ignore Unicode characters in the BDF loader (from Graham Dumpleton)



- Added experimental RGBA-on-RGB drawing support. To use RGBA
colours on an RGB image, pass "RGBA" as the second string to
the ImageDraw.Draw constructor.

- Added support for non-ASCII strings (Latin-1) and Unicode
to the truetype font renderer.

- The ImageWin "Dib" object can now be constructed directly from
an image object.

- The ImageWin module now allows you use window handles as well
as device contexts. To use a window handle, wrap the handle in
an ImageWin.HWND object, and pass in this object instead of the
device context.



- Improved support for 16-bit unsigned integer images (mode "I;16").
This includes TIFF reader support, and support for "getextrema"
and "point" (from Klamer Shutte).

- Made the BdfFontFile reader a bit more robust (from Kevin Cazabon
and Dmitry Vasiliev)

- Changed TIFF writer to always write Compression tag, even when
using the default compression (from Greg Couch).

- Added "show" support for Mac OS X (from Dan Wolfe).

- Added clipboard support to the "ImageGrab" module (Windows only).
The "grabclipboard" function returns an Image object, a list of
filenames (not in 1.1.4), or None if neither was found.



- Improved support for drawing RGB data in palette images. You can
now use RGB tuples or colour names (see below) when drawing in a
mode "P" image. The drawing layer automatically assigns color
indexes, as long as you don't use more than 256 unique colours.

- Moved self test from MiniTest/test.py to ./selftest.py.

- Added support for CSS3-style color strings to most places that
accept colour codes/tuples. This includes the "ImageDraw" module,
the Image "new" function, and the Image "paste" method.

Colour strings can use one of the following formats: "f00",
"ff0000", "rgb(255,0,0)", "rgb(100%,0%,0%)", "hsl(0, 100%, 50%)",
or "red" (most X11-style colour names are supported). See the
documentation for the "ImageColor" module for more information.

- Fixed DCX decoder (based on input from Larry Bates)

- Added "IptcImagePlugin.getiptcinfo" helper to extract IPTC/NAA
newsphoto properties from JPEG, TIFF, or IPTC files.

- Support for TrueType/OpenType fonts has been added to
the standard distribution. You need the freetype 2.0

- Made the PCX reader a bit more robust when reading 2-bit
and 4-bit PCX images with odd image sizes.

- Added "Kernel" class to the ImageFilter module. This class
allows you to filter images with user-defined 3x3 and 5x5
convolution kernels.

- Added "putdata" support for mode "I", "F" and "RGB".

- The GIF writer now supports the transparency option (from
Denis Benoit).

- A HTML version of the module documentation is now shipped
with the source code distribution. You'll find the files in
the Doc subdirectory.

- Added support for Palm pixmaps (from Bill Janssen). This
change was listed for 1.1.3, but the "PalmImagePlugin" driver
didn't make it into the distribution.

- Improved decoder error messages.



- Made setup.py look for old versions of zlib. For some back-
ground, see: https://zlib.net/advisory-2002-03-11.txt

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