1. Document update
2. Add reference: now you can call tuner.reference() to list major reference of that tuner.
3. Add optuna optimize history plot
1. feature bagging:
- contradicts to log domain in selection method (the negative output of pca)
- the variance of feature will change during bagging (variance matters)
2. Lasso logistic regression in grid search need to to modified. In temporary using binary search.
3. confusion matrix no title
On Going:
0. A reliable tutorial. (including mac) / Document reference
1. Pine monitor, progress bar and report. experiment setting visualization.
0. threshold tuner (or like jadbio)
1. search space dict
2. report and diagnose, Pine pipeline graph.
3. using pretty, beautiful, good-looking, precise packages:
a. pca
b. The only OPLS da reliable(compare to others), alive, python implement
4. barutoSHAP (baruto, shap, barutoshap)
5. fairness learning (mljar, fairlearn)
6. cv std
n. multi objective optimize for optuna
n. add parameter dict(json or yaml-like)
n. interactive interface or GUI (maybe nicegui/ plotly)