1. bug fixed:
a. IO.read_file can read tsv now.
2. report utils:
a. data_overview:
I. Abandon boxplot and pairplot.
II. PCA use 4 component.
ToDo: add pacmap and hysterical clustering
3. auto modeling:
a. optuna model tuner for ElasticNet.
b. stablity of svm tuner
4. preprocessing.utils
a. feature_extension: extend input features by a*b, arctan a/b, pca component.
5. tutorial updating
6. ...etc (sorry I forget what I changed...)
On going:
1. auto modeling:
a. Performance oriented modeling.
b. optuna: auto tuner for all models
2. Diagnose and report
1. bagging:
- contradicts to log domain in selection method (the negative output of pca)
- the variance of feature will change during bagging (variance matters)
2. Lasso logistic regression in grid search need to to modified. In temporary using binary search.
to do:
0. Tutorial for mac
1. Document and reference
2. using pretty, beautiful, good-looking, precise packages:
a. pca
b. The only OPLS da reliable(compare to others), alive, python implement
3. One click everything
n. add parameter dict(json or yaml-like)
n. interactive interface or GUI (maybe nicegui/ plotly)