
Latest version: v0.19.1

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- Nothing changed yet.



Release Manager: jules-cheron

- Implement use of Quantity in the Quantity constructor (convert to specified units).
(Issue 1231)
- Rename .readthedocs.yml to .readthedocs.yaml, update (Issue 1311)
- Fix a few small typos.
(Issue 1308)
- Fix babel format for `Unit`.
(Issue 1085)
- Fix handling of positional max/min arguments in clip function.
(Issue 1244)
- Fix string formatting of numpy array scalars.
- Fix default format for Measurement class (Issue 1300)
- Fix parsing of pretty units with same exponents but different sign. (Issue 1360)
- Convert the application registry to a wrapper object (Issue 1365)
- Add documentation for the string format options.
(Issue 1357, 1375, thanks keewis)
- Support custom units formats.
(Issue 1371, thanks keewis)
- Autoupdate pre-commit hooks.
- Improved the application registry.
(Issue 1366, thanks keewis)
- Improved testing isolation using pytest fixtures.

Breaking Changes

- pint no longer supports Python 3.6
- Minimum Numpy version supported is 1.17+
- Add supports for type hints for Quantity class. Quantity is now a Generic (PEP560).
- Add support for [PEP561]( (Package Type information)



- Add the Wh unit for battery capacity measurements
(PR 1260, thanks Maciej Grela)
- Fix issue with reducable dimensionless units when using power (Quantity**ndarray)
(Issue 1185)
- Fix comparisons between Quantities and Measurements.
(Issue 1134, thanks lewisamarshall)
- UnitsContainer returns false if other is str and cannnot be parsed
(Issue 1179, thanks rfrowe)
- Fix numpy.linalg.solve unit output. (Issue 1246)
- Support numpy.lib.stride_tricks.sliding_window_view. (Issue 1255)
- NEP29 Support docs.
- Move all tests to pytest.
- Fix to __pow__ and __ipow__
- Migrate to Github Actions.
(Issue 1236)
- Update linter to use pre-commit.
- Quantity comparisons now ensure other is Quantity.
- Add sign function compatibility.
(thanks Robin Tesse)
- Fix scalar to ndarray tolist.
- Fix tolist function with scalar ndarray.
(Issue 1195, thanks jules-ch)
- Corrected typos and dacstrings
- Implements a first benchmark suite in airspeed velocity (asv).
- Power for pseudo-dimensionless units.
(Issue 1185, thanks Kevin Fuhr)



- Fix unpickling, now it is using the APP_REGISTRY as expected.
(Issue 1175)



- Fixed issue where performing an operation of a Quantity with certain units would perform an in-place
unit conversion that modified the operand in addition to the returned value (Issues 1102 & 1144)
- Implements Logarithmic Units like dBm, dB or decade
(Issue 71, Thanks Dima Pustakhod, Clark Willison, Giorgio Signorello, Steven Casagrande, Jonathan Wheeler)
- Drop dependency on setuptools pkg_resources to read package resources, using std lib importlib.resources instead.
(Issue 1080)



- Change `Quantity` and `Unit` HTML (i.e., Jupyter notebook) repr away from LaTeX to a
simpler, more performant pretty-text and table based repr inspired by Sparse and Dask.
(Issue 654)
- Add `case_sensitive` option to registry for case (in)sensitive handling when parsing
units (Issue 1145)
- Implement Dask collection interface to support Pint Quantity wrapped Dask arrays.
- Started automatically testing examples in the documentation
- Fixed an exception generated when reducing dimensions with three or more
units of the same type
- Fixed right operand power for dimensionless Quantity to reflect numpy behavior. (Issue 1136)
- Eliminated warning when setting a masked value on an underlying MaskedArray.
- Add `sort` option to `formatting.formatter` to permit disabling sorting of component units in format string
- Implements Logarithmic Units like dBm, dB or decade
(Issue 71, Thanks Dima Pustakhod, Giorgio Signorello, Jonathan Wheeler)

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