- support for IPython autocomplete and rich display.
(Issues 30 and 31)
- support for import directive in definitions file.
(Issue 22)
- support for wrapping functions to make them pint-aware.
(Issue 16)
- support for comparing UnitsContainer to string.
(Issue 35)
- fix error raised while converting from a single unit to one expressed as
the relation between many.
(Issue 29)
- fix error raised when unit symbol is missing.
(Issue 41)
- fix error raised when magnitude is Decimal.
(Issue 46, thanks danielsokolowski)
- support for non-installed pint.
(Issue 42, thanks danielsokolowski)
- support for application of numpy function on non-ndarray magnitudes.
(Issue 44)
- support for math operations on dimensionless Quantities (written with units).
(Issue 45)
- fix obtaining dimensionless quantity from string.
(Issue 50)
- fix adding and comparing numbers to a dimensionless quantity (written with units).
(Issue 54)
- Support for iter in Quantity.
(Issue 55, thanks natezb)