
Latest version: v0.21.3

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- refactor(frontend): use `system.js` (instead iife) to chunk vendor libraries
- deps: bump pipen to 0.14.6 and other deps to latest version
- deps: bump frontend deps to latest version
- ci: update `ghp-import` command to disable Jekyll processing
- ci: use latest actions

**Full Changelog**: https://github.com/pwwang/pipen-report/compare/0.18.5...0.19.0


- feat: indicate number of pages in log message

**Full Changelog**: https://github.com/pwwang/pipen-report/compare/0.18.4...0.18.5


- choir: remove caching for `_render_file()`.
- Template rendering can be dependent on the file contents (e.g. `<job.outdir>/report.json`)

**Full Changelog**: https://github.com/pwwang/pipen-report/compare/0.18.3...0.18.4


- deps: bump pipen to 0.14.3
- fix: fix download button for DataTable
- deps: bump frontend deps

**Full Changelog**: https://github.com/pwwang/pipen-report/compare/0.18.2...0.18.3


- fix: fix error getting image size when path is None

**Full Changelog**: https://github.com/pwwang/pipen-report/compare/0.18.1...0.18.2


- enh: cache template rendering and preprocessing

**Full Changelog**: https://github.com/pwwang/pipen-report/compare/0.18.0...0.18.1

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