- Fix image height in global.css
- Add width and height to Image tag so loading indicators have same size
- Set sep to TAB for datatable filter
- Allow add class and other attributes to `Descr` component
- Allow set extra classes for Image component
- Add filters: render_component, render_ui and render_job
- Add carbon-preprocess-svelte package and optimize imports
- Update logo in README
- Update docs, using mkdocs-rtd
- Update docs/requirements.txt
- Remove emoji extension from mkdocs.yml
- Add pillow library
- Fix missing import for PILImage in preprocess.py
- Fix poetry installation in docs.yml
- Update copier version to 9.1.0 and colorama version to 0.4.6
- Update favicon
- Allow to register components and uis for filters: render_component, render_ui and render_job
- Make proc list one column for narrow screen on index page
- Make proc group card on index page expand on top, instead of bottom, when short of space
- Make g10 as default theme
- Add width style to .head-util so the right part of the header do not hide when resizing
- Add space to bottom of the index page
- Make theme selector look better
- Change the background color of Accordion headers
- Add dropdown_switcher ui for render_ui and render_job filters
- Scroll anchor into view on the page
- Build report when process is done, instead of the whole pipeline
- Remove dest file when npm build fails (so that it won't be cached)
- Copy file only when its path is absolute in preprocessing
- Update global.css file
**Full Changelog**: https://github.com/pwwang/pipen-report/compare/0.15.3...0.16.0