
Latest version: v0.41.0

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![Feature](https://img.shields.io/badge/-FEATURE-%23365ABD?style=for-the-badge) Clear and informative CLI help messages

We'd love your feedback! Send us a message on piperider.io, join our [Discord](https://discord.gg/xKxsdPx4d5), or report an issue on [GitHub](https://github.com/InfuseAI/piperider/issues)

What's Changed
* Fix bool object is not iterable by even-wei in https://github.com/InfuseAI/piperider/pull/124
* Feature/sc 26561/setup piperider alpha beta build process by kentwelcome in https://github.com/InfuseAI/piperider/pull/125
* Revert "Feature/sc 26561/setup piperider alpha beta build process" by qrtt1 in https://github.com/InfuseAI/piperider/pull/126
* [Fix] syntax issue of github action by kentwelcome in https://github.com/InfuseAI/piperider/pull/127
* [Fix] Update README.md to support non GitHub platform by kentwelcome in https://github.com/InfuseAI/piperider/pull/128
* Update issue templates to add feature request template by kentwelcome in https://github.com/InfuseAI/piperider/pull/130
* [Fix] change to use other pypirc from github action secret by kentwelcome in https://github.com/InfuseAI/piperider/pull/131
* Add error message for wrong assertion configuration by even-wei in https://github.com/InfuseAI/piperider/pull/132
* Verify assertion configurations and add error messages. by even-wei in https://github.com/InfuseAI/piperider/pull/134
* Update/readme for pr by kentwelcome in https://github.com/InfuseAI/piperider/pull/137
* Change telemetry structure in config by ctiml in https://github.com/InfuseAI/piperider/pull/133
* Generate report when execute run by default by ctiml in https://github.com/InfuseAI/piperider/pull/136
* Fix wrong conditional by even-wei in https://github.com/InfuseAI/piperider/pull/139
* e2e infra by qrtt1 in https://github.com/InfuseAI/piperider/pull/138
* Fix run all assertions when given specified table by wcchang1115 in https://github.com/InfuseAI/piperider/pull/129
* Fix/nightly build fail by kentwelcome in https://github.com/InfuseAI/piperider/pull/142
* [Fix] Fix nightly build by kentwelcome in https://github.com/InfuseAI/piperider/pull/143
* Feature/sc 26466/cli per run by ctiml in https://github.com/InfuseAI/piperider/pull/135
* Add version requirement for click>=8.0 by even-wei in https://github.com/InfuseAI/piperider/pull/146
* Replace 'catalog.json' with 'manifest.json' for fetching dbt information by even-wei in https://github.com/InfuseAI/piperider/pull/144
* Use a static track-id for e2e by qrtt1 in https://github.com/InfuseAI/piperider/pull/151
* Add version reqirement for SQLAlchmey by qrtt1 in https://github.com/InfuseAI/piperider/pull/149
* Feature/sc 26698/ensure table and column names are case sensitive by ctiml in https://github.com/InfuseAI/piperider/pull/150
* fix attribute error by wcchang1115 in https://github.com/InfuseAI/piperider/pull/152
* Support run-based comparison report by popcornylu in https://github.com/InfuseAI/piperider/pull/140
* Log python runtime version by qrtt1 in https://github.com/InfuseAI/piperider/pull/156
* Update nightly version naming by qrtt1 in https://github.com/InfuseAI/piperider/pull/157
* e2e with getting started repo by qrtt1 in https://github.com/InfuseAI/piperider/pull/158
* Store creation time in UTC and display in local time zone by ctiml in https://github.com/InfuseAI/piperider/pull/153
* Don't track in nightly build by qrtt1 in https://github.com/InfuseAI/piperider/pull/159
* Support sqlalchemy 1.3 by popcornylu in https://github.com/InfuseAI/piperider/pull/160
* Add sqlalchemy tests by qrtt1 in https://github.com/InfuseAI/piperider/pull/162
* Update e2e by qrtt1 in https://github.com/InfuseAI/piperider/pull/161
* Add result to the comparsion steps by qrtt1 in https://github.com/InfuseAI/piperider/pull/163
* Separate global report data variables by qrtt1 in https://github.com/InfuseAI/piperider/pull/155
* Follow pep 440 post-release by qrtt1 in https://github.com/InfuseAI/piperider/pull/164
* Make the `assertion_results` in output json are always non-null. by popcornylu in https://github.com/InfuseAI/piperider/pull/165
* Feature/sc 26469/include dbt s test result into report by ctiml in https://github.com/InfuseAI/piperider/pull/154
* [Fix] nightly build version number without dev string by kentwelcome in https://github.com/InfuseAI/piperider/pull/166
* AssertionEngine support mock recommended assertions by kentwelcome in https://github.com/InfuseAI/piperider/pull/147
* Update user-defined test functions sample by qrtt1 in https://github.com/InfuseAI/piperider/pull/169
* [Fix] set version in github action steps outputs by kentwelcome in https://github.com/InfuseAI/piperider/pull/168
* add recommended assertion rules by wcchang1115 in https://github.com/InfuseAI/piperider/pull/171
* Refine help text in cli by even-wei in https://github.com/InfuseAI/piperider/pull/167
* Add assert_column_in_range by qrtt1 in https://github.com/InfuseAI/piperider/pull/170
* [Refactor] import recommended assertions rules by kentwelcome in https://github.com/InfuseAI/piperider/pull/172
* fix(reports): adjustment & fixing reports by neighborhood999 in https://github.com/InfuseAI/piperider/pull/173
* chore: remove source map files in prod build by neighborhood999 in https://github.com/InfuseAI/piperider/pull/175
* Feature/sc 26479 rewrite assertion recommender flow with new design by kentwelcome in https://github.com/InfuseAI/piperider/pull/174
* [Fix] typo in nightly build github action by kentwelcome in https://github.com/InfuseAI/piperider/pull/176
* [Fix] fix the logic of paring sentry environment by kentwelcome in https://github.com/InfuseAI/piperider/pull/177
* add non-null recommended assertions by wcchang1115 in https://github.com/InfuseAI/piperider/pull/179
* [Fix] sc-26693 fix python-inquirer can not use backspace on Linux by kentwelcome in https://github.com/InfuseAI/piperider/pull/178
* [Feature] sc-26477 update recommended assertion rules by kentwelcome in https://github.com/InfuseAI/piperider/pull/180
* Chore/improve fe dx by jonycfu in https://github.com/InfuseAI/piperider/pull/181
* minimal improvement for grammar, spelling and lint by siansiansu in https://github.com/InfuseAI/piperider/pull/148
* [Fix] sc-26984 handle column renamed issue when generate-assertions by kentwelcome in https://github.com/InfuseAI/piperider/pull/186
* [Fix] sc-26965 Handle when not assertion folder found by kentwelcome in https://github.com/InfuseAI/piperider/pull/187
* fix: display <0.1% when columns have some missing values by neighborhood999 in https://github.com/InfuseAI/piperider/pull/190
* [Feature] sc-27010 enhance UX of piperider by kentwelcome in https://github.com/InfuseAI/piperider/pull/188
* [bump] piperider default version to 0.3.0-dev by kentwelcome in https://github.com/InfuseAI/piperider/pull/189
* Get dbt tables from dbt command instead of manifest.json. (185) by kentwelcome in https://github.com/InfuseAI/piperider/pull/192
* [Cherry-pick] sc-27018 fix all assertions will always be executed in postgresql by kentwelcome in https://github.com/InfuseAI/piperider/pull/195
* [Cherry-pick] sc-27024 Replace --skip-dbt with --dbt-test and --dbt-build 200 by kentwelcome in https://github.com/InfuseAI/piperider/pull/205
* [Cherry-pick] sc-27001 Remove dbt manifest related methods (203) by kentwelcome in https://github.com/InfuseAI/piperider/pull/204
* [Cherry-pick] sc-27047 Refactor dbt command check 201 by kentwelcome in https://github.com/InfuseAI/piperider/pull/207
* [Cherry Pick] sc-27062 Fix recommending range assertions in wrong format 208 by kentwelcome in https://github.com/InfuseAI/piperider/pull/209
* [Cherry pick] sc-27076 support pass in dbt profile.yaml 214 by kentwelcome in https://github.com/InfuseAI/piperider/pull/215
* [Cherry pick] sc-26991 Add deploy_notify.sh script for nightly build 211 by kentwelcome in https://github.com/InfuseAI/piperider/pull/216

New Contributors
* jonycfu made their first contribution in https://github.com/InfuseAI/piperider/pull/181
* siansiansu made their first contribution in https://github.com/InfuseAI/piperider/pull/148

**Full Changelog**: https://github.com/InfuseAI/piperider/compare/v0.2.0...v0.3.0


Released on 06-29-2023
New Features :star2:
- **Run and compare command support dbt selector**: just like `dbt run -s <selector>`, you can use selector in the `run` and `compare` (739)
- **Add cloud config to local project config**: the default cloud project config is not set to project level instead of user level. It allow you to upload to different cloud project for different dbt repositories. (748)
- **Add metric hierarchy in the sidebar menu**: The project sidebar tree adds the metric hierarchy. (750 758)

Bug Fixes :wrench:
- **Make sure the dbt-helper working with the dbt-core 1.3** (740)
- **Fix metric date range display** (746)
- **Fix required project’s target path** (753)

Chores :broom:
- **Integrate test action with codecov** (744)
- **SSOT of the implicit and explicit change definition**: the comparison json report would contains the implicit and explicit resource set, the frontend report would use it to show the change icon. (747)
- **Add unittest for datasource** (749)
- **Add implicit icon** (752)

Get in touch :heart:

We'd love your feedback! Send us a message via Intercom on [piperider.io](https://piperider.io), join our [Discord](https://discord.gg/xKxsdPx4d5), report an issue on [GitHub](https://github.com/InfuseAI/piperider/issues), or send us a good old-fashioned [email](mailto:productinfuseai.io)


<summary>All changes</summary>

What's Changed
* [Release] Bump version 0.28.0 by wcchang1115 in https://github.com/InfuseAI/piperider/pull/743
* [Feature] sc-31590 Run command support -s to select dbt models by kentwelcome in https://github.com/InfuseAI/piperider/pull/739
* [Feature] Add cloud config to local project config by wcchang1115 in https://github.com/InfuseAI/piperider/pull/748
* [Feature] Add metric hierarchy in the sidebar menu by popcornylu in https://github.com/InfuseAI/piperider/pull/750
* [Feature] update explicit and implicit changes by qrtt1 in https://github.com/InfuseAI/piperider/pull/747
* [Feature] Add the implicit change to the metric tree by popcornylu in https://github.com/InfuseAI/piperider/pull/758
* [Feature] Add project id inference mechanism by wcchang1115 in https://github.com/InfuseAI/piperider/pull/757
* [Chore] Integrate test action with codecov by kentwelcome in https://github.com/InfuseAI/piperider/pull/744
* [Chore] Add codecov badge into README.md by kentwelcome in https://github.com/InfuseAI/piperider/pull/745
* [Chore] Add unittest for datasource by kentwelcome in https://github.com/InfuseAI/piperider/pull/749
* [Chore] Add implicit icon by popcornylu in https://github.com/InfuseAI/piperider/pull/752
* [Bug] make sure the dbt-helper working with the dbt-core 1.3 by qrtt1 in https://github.com/InfuseAI/piperider/pull/740
* [Bug] Fix metric date range display by popcornylu in https://github.com/InfuseAI/piperider/pull/746
* [Bug] Fix required project's target path by qrtt1 in https://github.com/InfuseAI/piperider/pull/753
* [Bug] sc-31751 Fix compare command throw error 'int' object has no attribute 'dump' by kentwelcome in https://github.com/InfuseAI/piperider/pull/756
* [Bug] Handle the edge case for command-list in command field by qrtt1 in https://github.com/InfuseAI/piperider/pull/759
* [Bug] Handle no-such-table error when the metadata is not available by qrtt1 in https://github.com/InfuseAI/piperider/pull/755
* [Bug] Fix compare reports with metrics not queried by wcchang1115 in https://github.com/InfuseAI/piperider/pull/761

**Full Changelog**: https://github.com/InfuseAI/piperider/compare/v0.27.0...v0.28.0



What's Changed
* [Release] Bump version 0.41.0 by wcchang1115 in https://github.com/InfuseAI/piperider/pull/927
* [Feature] Support dbt 1.7 by wcchang1115 in https://github.com/InfuseAI/piperider/pull/929

**Full Changelog**: https://github.com/InfuseAI/piperider/compare/v0.40.0...v0.41.0


What's Changed
* [Release] Bump version 0.41.0 by wcchang1115 in https://github.com/InfuseAI/piperider/pull/927
* [Feature] Support dbt 1.7 by wcchang1115 in https://github.com/InfuseAI/piperider/pull/929

**Full Changelog**: https://github.com/InfuseAI/piperider/compare/v0.40.0...v0.41.0-rc.1


What's Changed
* [Release] Bump version 0.40.0 by wcchang1115 in https://github.com/InfuseAI/piperider/pull/921
* [Chore] Adjust compare-reports command behavior by wcchang1115 in https://github.com/InfuseAI/piperider/pull/922
* [Bug] Make the ruamel integeration compatiable with legacy versions by qrtt1 in https://github.com/InfuseAI/piperider/pull/925
* [Bug] Fix default dbt target decision policy by wcchang1115 in https://github.com/InfuseAI/piperider/pull/926

**Full Changelog**: https://github.com/InfuseAI/piperider/compare/v0.39.0...v0.40.0


What's Changed
* [Release] Bump version 0.40.0 by wcchang1115 in https://github.com/InfuseAI/piperider/pull/921
* [Chore] Adjust compare-reports command behavior by wcchang1115 in https://github.com/InfuseAI/piperider/pull/922
* [Bug] Make the ruamel integeration compatiable with legacy versions by qrtt1 in https://github.com/InfuseAI/piperider/pull/925
* [Bug] Fix default dbt target decision policy by wcchang1115 in https://github.com/InfuseAI/piperider/pull/926

**Full Changelog**: https://github.com/InfuseAI/piperider/compare/v0.39.0...v0.40.0-rc.1

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