Released on 05-18-2023
New Features :star2:
- PipeRider run & compare can now be executed without piperider init
- The sidebar is redesigned to display in the format of a dbt project tree. Additionally, our default piperider run will allow you to view the schema information for all **sources**, **seeds**, and **models**.
Bug Fixes :wrench:
- Fixed issue where `piperider run --table` was getting the wrong schema. [678](
- Fixed issue with invalid isoformat string while comparing reports. [690](
Deprecation :city_sunset:
- **Deprecate the assertions.** We will not support more assertions feature. And the assertions features would be removed in the future.
- **Deprecate the non-dbt use case.** PipeRider development will focus on the dbt use case. So for the original non-dbt project data profiling and data assertion feature, they will be removed in the future.
Get in touch :heart:
We'd love your feedback! Send us a message via Intercom on [](, join our [Discord](, report an issue on [GitHub](, or send us a good old-fashioned [email](
<summary>All changes</summary>
What's Changed
* [Release] Bump version 0.25.0 by wcchang1115 in
* [Feature] sc-31163 PipeRider run & compare can be executed without init by kentwelcome in
* [Feature] sc-31205 Mark assertions page as deprecated in front-end page by kentwelcome in
* [Feature] Init-less commands won't look for dbt project yaml in subdirectory by ctiml in
* [Feature] Track schema changes in the dbt project by qrtt1 in
* [Feature] Show sidebar by dbt project structure by popcornylu in
* [Chore] Modify the piperider run output wording by popcornylu in
* [Bug] sc-31212 Fix piperider run --table get wrong schema issue by kentwelcome in
* [Bug] Fix some frontend issues by kentwelcome in
* [Bug] fix help menu zindex issue by kentwelcome in
* [Bug] Remove sqlalchemy restriction by wcchang1115 in
* [Bug] Fix invalid isoformat string while comparing reports by wcchang1115 in
**Full Changelog**: