This release fixes a bug in the core thermal profile that previously made it isothermal.
This release packages new functions and more informative error messages for trajectory analysis functions. Also includes a bug fix from a renamed MoonMag function.
This release fixes a bug in PPuninstall and makes the function more robust.
An uninstall feature is now available, and can be accessed using: `python -c "from PlanetProfile.install import PPuninstall; PPuninstall()` from the run directory where is located.
This release is primarily for upgrading to SeaFreeze v0.9.3. The way SeaFreeze has to be imported has changed, as that package now integrates what were previously dependencies from LocalBasisFunction. This release also includes PyPI packaging tools within the repository for package maintainers.
This release fixes Issue 54, where high-T Seawater pore fluids were having negative densities. Constants has also been expanded, including with the addition of more solute properties so that calculators such as Molal2ppt will be more useful in this and other projects.