
Latest version: v2.5.0

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This release fixes a bug that prevented conductivity from being plotted on hydrosphere comparisons of multiple profiles.


This release is mainly to move the liquid phase label in hydrosphere plots away from the edge of the axes for the density plot. When text labels extend beyond the edge of an axis, tight_layout causes some axes to change width undesirably.


Extrapolation limits now align with the outer bounds of the knots of SeaFreeze B-spline fits. This release fixes erroneous seismic properties in the upper part of ice shells.


RefProfiles will now only plot up to the limits of the EOS used to evaluate them. This release also includes minor bug fixes.


This release fixes an error that would occur from trying to interpolate over ocean layers when there are none.


This release focuses on improvements to style options for several plot types, especially hydrosphere, PvThydro, and inductogram plots. The GetTfreeze calculation for finding the (liquid) melting temperature of ices has also been made more robust, improving the fidelity of reference melting curves.

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