PlantCV v3.0.dev2 is an early release in the v3 release cycle. A full v3 will be released at a later date. While this is an early release, it should be considered essentially production-ready. Note that this release breaks previous syntax/functionality with the goal of making things easier. Updating existing code to the new styles should be fairly straightforward.
Overview of changes:
* The input and output `device` has been eliminated for all functions. The step counter still exists in the background.
* The input `debug` has been eliminated for all functions. It can now be set globally with the class `Params`:
* The output location of images printed in debug mode can now be set using the `plantcv.params.debug_outdir` global setting:
* Some function arguments were refactored. Many were changed to make it more explicit what type of input image is required. The new vocabulary is generally: `img` = all image types, `rgb_img` = RGB images only, `gray_img` = Grayscale images only, `bin_img` or `mask` = Binary images only. Some other inputs were renamed for consistency and/or PEP8 formatting guidelines. All function call changes are summarized here:
* Several functions were removed and replaced with updated versions.
* `define_roi`: replaced with the functions in the subpackage `roi`.
* `analyze_bound`: replaced with the functions `analyze_bound_horizontal` and `analyze_bound_vertical`.
* `rotate_img`: replaced with the function `rotate`.
* The threshold functions `binary_threshold`, `adaptive_threshold`, `otsu_auto_threshold`, and `triangle_auto_threshold` were moved to a new subpackage and are now: `plantcv.threshold.binary`, `plantcv.threshold.gaussian`, `plantcv.threshold.mean`, `plantcv.threshold.otsu`, `plantcv.threshold.triangle`.
* These changes are also summarized here:
* Testing coverage was increased to 94%.
* Some additional general documentation and docstring reformatting for consistency.
* The FAQ was updated.