
Latest version: v1.50.0

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Highlights - [Feature]: single aria snapshot for different engines/browsers - [Bug]: Firefox not handling keepalive: true fetch requests - [Bug]: update snapshots not creating good diffs - [Bug]: snapshotPathTemplate doesnt work when multiple projects - [Bug]: updateSnapshots "changed" throws an error

Browser Versions

* Chromium 133.0.6943.16
* Mozilla Firefox 134.0
* WebKit 18.2

This version was also tested against the following stable channels:
* Google Chrome 132
* Microsoft Edge 132


Test runner
* New option [`timeout`]( allows specifying a maximum run time for an individual test step. A timed-out step will fail the execution of the test.

test('some test', async ({ page }) => {
await test.step('a step', async () => {
// This step can time out separately from the test
}, { timeout: 1000 });

* New method [test.step.skip()]( to disable execution of a test step.

test('some test', async ({ page }) => {
await test.step('before running step', async () => {
// Normal step

await test.step.skip('not yet ready', async () => {
// This step is skipped

await test.step('after running step', async () => {
// This step still runs even though the previous one was skipped

* Expanded [expect(locator).toMatchAriaSnapshot()]( to allow storing of aria snapshots in separate YAML files.
* Added method [expect(locator).toHaveAccessibleErrorMessage()]( to assert the Locator points to an element with a given [aria errormessage](
* Option [testConfig.updateSnapshots]( added the configuration enum `changed`. `changed` updates only the snapshots that have changed, whereas `all` now updates all snapshots, regardless of whether there are any differences.
* New option [testConfig.updateSourceMethod]( defines the way source code is updated when [testConfig.updateSnapshots]( is configured. Added `overwrite` and `3-way` modes that write the changes into source code, on top of existing `patch` mode that creates a patch file.

npx playwright test --update-snapshots=changed --update-source-method=3way

* Option [testConfig.webServer]( added a `gracefulShutdown` field for specifying a process kill signal other than the default `SIGKILL`.
* Exposed [testStep.attachments]( from the reporter API to allow retrieval of all attachments created by that step.
* New option `pathTemplate` for `toHaveScreenshot` and `toMatchAriaSnapshot` assertions in the [testConfig.expect]( configuration.

UI updates
* Updated default HTML reporter to improve display of attachments.
* New button for picking elements to produce aria snapshots.
* Additional details (such as keys pressed) are now displayed alongside action API calls in traces.
* Display of `canvas` content in traces is error-prone. Display is now disabled by default, and can be enabled via the `Display canvas content` UI setting.
* `Call` and `Network` panels now display additional time information.

* [expect(locator).toBeEditable()]( and [locator.isEditable()]( now throw if the target element is not `<input>`, `<select>`, or a number of other editable elements.
* Option [testConfig.updateSnapshots]( now updates all snapshots when set to `all`, rather than only the failed/changed snapshots. Use the new enum `changed` to keep the old functionality of only updating the changed snapshots.

Browser Versions
* Chromium 133.0.6943.16
* Mozilla Firefox 134.0
* WebKit 18.2

This version was also tested against the following stable channels:
* Google Chrome 132
* Microsoft Edge 132


Highlights - [Bug]: Codegen's Clear button doesn't work if not recording - [Bug]: playwright hangs while waiting for pending navigations - [Bug]: VSC extension isn't capturing all entered text - [Regression]: Double clicking the steps in trace viewer doesn't filter actions - [Bug]: aria_snapshot generates invalid yaml when combined with an aria-label attribut - [Bug]: text input with number value raises "container is not iterable" with to_match_aria_snapshot - [Bug]: getByRole can't find element with the accessible name from label element when aria-labelledby is not valid - [Regression]: Unable to open Playwright UI in Dark Mode

Browser Versions
- Chromium 131.0.6778.33
- Mozilla Firefox 132.0
- WebKit 18.2

This version was also tested against the following stable channels:
- Google Chrome 130
- Microsoft Edge 130


Aria snapshots

New assertion [expect(locator).toMatchAriaSnapshot()]( verifies page structure by comparing to an expected accessibility tree, represented as YAML.

await page.goto('');
await expect(page.locator('body')).toMatchAriaSnapshot(`
- banner:
- heading /Playwright enables reliable/ [level=1]
- link "Get started"
- link "Star microsoft/playwright on GitHub"
- main:
- img "Browsers (Chromium, Firefox, WebKit)"
- heading "Any browser • Any platform • One API"

You can generate this assertion with [Test Generator]( and update the expected snapshot with `--update-snapshots` command line flag.

Learn more in the [aria snapshots guide](

Test runner
- New option [testConfig.tsconfig]( allows to specify a single `tsconfig` to be used for all tests.
- New method []( to focus on a failing test.
- Options [testConfig.globalSetup]( and [testConfig.globalTeardown]( now support multiple setups/teardowns.
- New value `'on-first-failure'` for [testOptions.screenshot](
- Added "previous" and "next" buttons to the HTML report to quickly switch between test cases.
- New properties [testInfoError.cause]( and [testError.cause]( mirroring [`Error.cause`](

Breaking: channels `chrome`, `msedge` and similar switch to new headless

This change affects you if you're using one of the following channels in your `playwright.config.ts`:
- `chrome`, `chrome-dev`, `chrome-beta`, or `chrome-canary`
- `msedge`, `msedge-dev`, `msedge-beta`, or `msedge-canary`

What do I need to do?

After updating to Playwright v1.49, run your test suite. If it still passes, you're good to go. If not, you will probably need to update your snapshots, and adapt some of your test code around PDF viewers and extensions. See [issue 33566]( for more details.

Other breaking changes
- There will be no more updates for WebKit on Ubuntu 20.04 and Debian 11. We recommend updating your OS to a later version.
- Package `playwright/experimental-ct-vue2` will no longer be updated.
- Package `playwright/experimental-ct-solid` will no longer be updated.

Try new Chromium headless

You can opt into the new headless mode by using `'chromium'` channel. As [official Chrome documentation puts it](

> New Headless on the other hand is the real Chrome browser, and is thus more authentic, reliable, and offers more features. This makes it more suitable for high-accuracy end-to-end web app testing or browser extension testing.

See [issue 33566]( for the list of possible breakages you could encounter and more details on Chromium headless. Please file an issue if you see any problems after opting in.

import { defineConfig, devices } from 'playwright/test';

export default defineConfig({
projects: [
name: 'chromium',
use: { ...devices['Desktop Chrome'], channel: 'chromium' },

- `<canvas>` elements inside a snapshot now draw a preview.
- New method []( to visually group actions in the trace.
- Playwright docker images switched from Node.js v20 to Node.js v22 LTS.

Browser Versions
- Chromium 131.0.6778.33
- Mozilla Firefox 132.0
- WebKit 18.2

This version was also tested against the following stable channels:
- Google Chrome 130
- Microsoft Edge 130


Highlights - [Bug]: UI Mode crashed - [BUG] Trace Viewer PWA crashes with "Aw, Snap!" - [Bug]: UI Mode Memory problem - [Regression]: Inspector and Browser doesn't close on CTRL+C - [Bug]: Chrome tab and inspector not closing after terminating session in terminal

Browser Versions
- Chromium 130.0.6723.19
- Mozilla Firefox 130.0
- WebKit 18.0

This version was also tested against the following stable channels:
- Google Chrome 129
- Microsoft Edge 129


Highlights - [Bug]: command line flag --headed has no effect in ui mode

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