<a href="https://youtu.be/7iyIdeoAP04"></a>
<a href="https://youtu.be/7iyIdeoAP04">Playwright v1.17 updates</a>
Frame Locators
Playwright 1.17 introduces [frame locators] - a locator to the iframe on the page. Frame locators capture the logic sufficient to retrieve the `iframe` and then locate elements in that iframe. Frame locators are strict by default, will wait for `iframe` to appear and can be used in Web-First assertions.

Frame locators can be created with either [`page.frameLocator(selector)`] or [`locator.frameLocator(selector)`] method.
const locator = page.frameLocator('my-iframe').locator('text=Submit');
await locator.click();
Read more at [our documentation](https://playwright.dev/docs/next/api/class-framelocator).
Trace Viewer Update
Playwright Trace Viewer is now **available online** at https://trace.playwright.dev! Just drag-and-drop your `trace.zip` file to inspect its contents.
> **NOTE**: trace files are not uploaded anywhere; [trace.playwright.dev](https://trace.playwright.dev) is a [progressive web application](https://web.dev/progressive-web-apps/) that processes traces locally.
- Playwright Test traces now include sources by default (these could be turned off with tracing option)
- Trace Viewer now shows test name
- New trace metadata tab with browser details
- Snapshots now have URL bar

HTML Report Update
- HTML report now supports dynamic filtering
- Report is now a **single static HTML file** that could be sent by e-mail or as a slack attachment.

Ubuntu ARM64 support + more
- Playwright now supports **Ubuntu 20.04 ARM64**. You can now run Playwright tests inside Docker on Apple M1 and on Raspberry Pi.
- You can now use Playwright to install stable version of Edge on Linux:
npx playwright install msedge
New APIs
- Tracing now supports a [`'title'`](https://playwright.dev/docs/next/api/class-tracing#tracing-start-option-title) option
- Page navigations support a new [`'commit'`](https://playwright.dev/docs/next/api/class-page#page-goto) waiting option
- HTML reporter got [new configuration options](https://playwright.dev/docs/next/test-reporters#html-reporter)
- [`testConfig.snapshotDir` option](https://playwright.dev/docs/next/api/class-testconfig#test-config-snapshot-dir)
- [`testInfo.parallelIndex`](https://playwright.dev/docs/next/api/class-testinfo#test-info-parallel-index)
- [`testInfo.titlePath`](https://playwright.dev/docs/next/api/class-testinfo#test-info-title-path)
- [`testOptions.trace`](https://playwright.dev/docs/next/api/class-testoptions#test-options-trace) has new options
- [`expect.toMatchSnapshot`](https://playwright.dev/docs/next/test-assertions#expectvaluetomatchsnapshotname-options) supports subdirectories
- [`reporter.printsToStdio()`](https://playwright.dev/docs/next/api/class-reporter#reporter-prints-to-stdio)
Browser Versions
- Chromium 98.0.4695.0
- Mozilla Firefox 94.0.1
- WebKit 15.4
This version was also tested against the following stable channels:
- Google Chrome 96
- Microsoft Edge 96
[frame locators]: https://playwright.dev/docs/next/api/class-framelocator
[`page.frameLocator(selector)`]: https://playwright.dev/docs/next/api/class-page#page-frame-locator
[`locator.frameLocator(selector)`]: https://playwright.dev/docs/next/api/class-locator#locator-frame-locator