- Add upgrade step to define the new base terse cache setting. [maurits] (82)
New features:
- Add etag for layout property. This is not yet added to a caching profile, but this can be done later. Fixes `issue 80 <https://github.com/plone/plone.app.caching/issues/80>`_. [maurits] (80)
Bug fixes:
- Fix ram-caching of binary files. [agitator] (79)
Breaking changes:
- Update for Plone 6 with Bootstrap markup [ale-rt, jensens] (63)
Bug fixes:
- Links with pat-modal: Remove unused redirectOnResponse from data-pat-modal actionOptions. (Products.CMFPlone3197) [fulv] (3197)
New features:
- Restored ``resourceRegistries`` ETag, but now for Plone 5 resource registries. Fixes warning "Could not find value adapter for ETag component resourceRegistries". [maurits] (61)
Bug fixes:
- Add more purge paths for images and downloads [jensens] (71)
Breaking changes:
- Remove traces of Archetypes [pbauer] (68) - Drop Python 2 support. Black code style and isort. [jensens] (69)
New features:
- Introduce *terseCaching* operation and `plone.content.dynamic` ruleset. *terseCaching* is a rule with by default 10s in browser cache and 60s in edge cache. It is intended to be used for highly dynamic content defined in the `plone.content.dynamic` ruleset. The combination reduces load on the backend if there a lots of requests. [jensens] (66-1) - Support for *plone.restapi*. Define `cache:ruleset` assignments for anonymous accessible endpoints. Attention: Relies on *Vary* header unless *plone.restapi* gives up content negotation. Latter may conflict with edge side cache not supporting the Vary header. [jensens] (66-2)