- Updated Site Setup link in all control panels. Fixes https://github.com/plone/Products.CMFPlone/issues/1255 [davilima6]
- fix cache settings modal settings so they do not show content inline on save. [vangheem]
- Remove gzip option, silly to be done at this layer. [vangheem]
- Change the category of the configlet to 'plone-advanced' [sneridagh]
- correctly create purge paths for root of site, prevent double slashes and the empty root of site(no trailing slash) not getting a purge path generated [vangheem]
- update first time here warning [vangheem]
- make control panel work for both plone 4 and plone 5 with tabs [vangheem]
- Fixed getObjectDefaultView method to strip off leading / and/or . [alecghica]
- Fix the portalPath used in the controlpanel for manual purging URL's. This bug resulted in rarely doing all the purging required. [puittenbroek]