- Show 'Manage portlets' fallback viewlet for all ILocalPortletAssignables, not just ATContentTypes items. This fixes http://code.google.com/p/dexterity/issues/detail?id=183 [davisagli]
Not secure
- Footer viewlet have all viewlet base API (site_url, navigation_root_url, etc). [thomasdesvenain]
- Make the bodyClass play more nice with ZopeViewPageTemplateFile. This fixes https://dev.plone.org/plone/ticket/11825 [WouterVH]
Not secure
- Use getPhysicalPath instead of absolute_url_path to handle correctly virtual hosting. This fixes http://dev.plone.org/plone/ticket/8787 [encolpe]
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- Page title and logo image title are related to navigation root. Refs http://dev.plone.org/plone/ticket/9175. Added navigation_root_title to portal_state view. [thomasdesvenain]
- Fix missing workflow history entry for content creation. Closes http://dev.plone.org/plone/ticket/11305. [rossp]
- Respect typesUseViewActionInListings in sitemap.xml. [elro]
- Use the parent url for default pages in sitemap.xml. [elro]
- Exclude types_not_searched from sitemap.xml. This fixes http://dev.plone.org/plone/ticket/7145 [elro]
- Reduce whitespace in sitemap.xml. [elro]
- sitemap.xml.gz support for INavigationRoot. [elro]
- Add MANIFEST.in. [WouterVH]
- Make ``getNavigationRoot`` behave correctly in ``INavigationRoot``-folders where a ``relativeRoot`` is specified. This fixes https://dev.plone.org/plone/ticket/8787 [WouterVH]
Not secure
- Make the body `section-` class based on the navigation root instead of the site root. [elro]
- Added navigation_root to plone_portal_state. [elro]
Not secure
- Fixed i18n of the "Log in to add comments" button. It was a regression since 2.0. This fixes http://dev.plone.org/plone/ticket/11525 [vincentfretin]