- Add missing translation for screen readers [laulaz]
- Memory leak on getUserInfo [avoinea] (204)
Not secure
Bug fixes:
- fix GlobalStatusMessage type translation (202) [laulaz]
- fix portal_tabs_view.topLevelTabs called twice [mamico] (201)
Not secure
New features:
- Add support for Python 3.8 [pbauer] (200)
Not secure
Bug fixes:
- fix ``show_excluded_items`` in combination with ``exclude_from_nav`` setting [petschki] (190) - Remove unused imports (and so a DeprecationWarning). [jensens] (193) - Make navigation (global sections) subclassing easier. [iham] (194)
Not secure
Breaking changes:
- Remove the ``plone.navtree`` content provider that was introduced in the context of the Navigation PLIP (https://github.com/plone/Products.CMFPlone/issues/2516) [ale-rt] (#188)
Not secure
Bug fixes:
- Improve the new navigation and add test coverage [ale-rt] (181) - Provide a proper unique id and a review state class for the first level tabs [ale-rt] (184) - Fix tests since the default nav-depth is now 3 for new sites. [pbauer] (187)