- Refactor getNavigationRoot to make it simpler, fixing issues when relativeRoot is specified. [gotcha]
- 'placeholder' attribute for the searchbox instead of the custom JS handling of the same functionality. [spliter]
- Fixed validation of the personal bar for anonymous user. [spliter]
- Replaced obsolete in HTML5 <acronym> element with <abbr>. References http://dev.plone.org/plone/ticket/11300. [spliter]
- Set the search form to submit to search in order to use the new search results page. [elvix]
- Updated the BaseIcon to return its html tag when called. [elvix]
- Updated search link in <head> to link to search - updated search results view. [spliter]
- Updated searchbox.pt to be linked to updated search results view. [spliter]
- Switching 'Skip to navigation' to be linked to the global navigation instead of the navigation portlet. This fixes http://dev.plone.org/plone/ticket/11728 [spliter]
- Show 'Manage portlets' fallback viewlet for all ILocalPortletAssignables, not just ATContentTypes items. This fixes http://code.google.com/p/dexterity/issues/detail?id=183 [davisagli]
- Footer viewlet have all viewlet base API (site_url, navigation_root_url, etc). [thomasdesvenain]
- Make the bodyClass play more nice with ZopeViewPageTemplateFile. This fixes https://dev.plone.org/plone/ticket/11825 [WouterVH]
- Use getPhysicalPath instead of absolute_url_path to handle correctly virtual hosting. This fixes http://dev.plone.org/plone/ticket/8787 [encolpe]