- In the history viewlet, moved again the arrows inside a span, it's really needed to apply a style. [vincentfretin]
- In the history viewlet, internationalized the Compare link and replaced icons by plain text. The revert link is now a POST button. This closes http://dev.plone.org/plone/ticket/9064 [limi, vincentfretin]
- Fix issue when dealing with empty version histories in history viewlet. [alecm]
- Make ContentHistoryViewlet use new metadata only history method to speed up listing. [alecm]
- Make ContentHistoryViewlet check if context isVersionable. [elro]
- Changed the search and author header links to respect the navigation root. [hannosch]
- Filter not-interesting history entries in content history viewlet. This prevents an empty history viewlet from being shown. [wichert]
- Add a new content history viewlet which combines the full workflow history and content versions. Render this instead of the workflow history viewlet. [wichert]
- Fixed querystring in CSS validation link in viewlets/colophon.pt There was an ampersand where the leading "?" should have been. http://dev.plone.org/plone/ticket/9054 [siebo]
- Fixed "region-content" id twice in dashboard.pt, replaced one by "content". Fixes http://dev.plone.org/plone/ticket/8932 [vincentfretin]
- Author link tag should follow same rules as byline viewlet. [elro]