Latest version: v4.6.1

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Bug fixes:

- Final release.
[gforcada] (600)



New features:

- Add `default_time` attribute/argument to Date- and DatetimeWidget to allow the converter to set a custom time when nothing was given. [jensens] (151)
- Customizable DateWidget formatter length.
[petschki] (154)

Bug fixes:

- Allow non-default fieldset labels to be translated
[mtrebron] (87)
- Fix CSS classname for statusmessage.
[petschki] (149)
- Leftovers of Py 2 removed (with pyupgrade and manual edits). then run black & isort.
Do not depend on CMFPlone any longer (circular dependency), but on plone.base.
[jensens] (150)
- Allow DateFieldWidget to be used on schema.datetime. See 151. [jensens] (151)
- Removed formatting hack for dates before 1900.
This was fixed in Python 3.2.
[jensens] (152)



Bug fixes:

- Re-enable form validation. [thet] (147)



New features:

- Use browser native date and datetime-local input
together with patternslib date-picker
[petschki] (134)
- Use better types for inputs.
[thet] (134)
- Remove inlinevalidation from templates.
[thet] (134)
- Implement TimeWidget which renders <input type="time" />
[petschki] (134)
- Use pat-validation in forms.
[thet] (134)

Bug fixes:

- time widget supports 'name' and 'value' attributes now. [iham] (134)
- Register `AddView` to the correct browserlayer
[petschki] (142)



New features:

- Fixed for latest z3c.form
[petschki] (146)



Bug fixes:

- Add ``name`` attribute to form, if ``view.form_name`` is defined.
See `easyform issue 325 <>`_.
[maurits] (325)

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