- Use browser native date and datetime-local input together with patternslib date-picker [petschki] (134) - Use better types for inputs. [thet] (134) - Remove inlinevalidation from templates. [thet] (134) - Implement TimeWidget which renders <input type="time" /> [petschki] (134) - Use pat-validation in forms. [thet] (134)
Bug fixes:
- time widget supports 'name' and 'value' attributes now. [iham] (134) - Register `AddView` to the correct browserlayer [petschki] (142)
New features:
- Fixed for latest z3c.form [petschki] (146)
Bug fixes:
- Add ``name`` attribute to form, if ``view.form_name`` is defined. See `easyform issue 325 <https://github.com/collective/collective.easyform/issues/325>`_. [maurits] (325)
Bug fixes:
- re-enable HTML rendering in form description [petschki] (138)
Bug fixes:
- Remove erroneous extra curly bracket in class name of the widget wrapper. [thet] (136)
New features:
- Enable multiple wysiwyg editors (use default editor registry setting) [duchenean, gotcha] (45) - Enable formautofocus for Plone forms. Allow disabling for specific forms with ``enable_autofocus = False``. [jmevissen] (135)