Potentially breaking changes:
* Use of the exogenous keyword (deprecated in 1.8.0) will now raise a `TypeError`
- Use of the `sarimax_kwargs` keyword (deprecated in 1.5.1) will now raise a `TypeError`
- A falsey value for ARIMA's method argument (deprecated pre-1.5.0) will now raise a `ValueError`
- A falsey value for ARIMA's `maxiter` argument will now raise a `ValueError` (warning since 1.5.0)
- `pmdarima` is no longer built for 32-bit architectures
- macOS images are built using macOS 11 instead of macOS 10.15
Other changes:
* Bump numpy dependency to >= 1.21
* Expose `fittedvalues` in the public API. See https://github.com/alkaline-ml/pmdarima/issues/493
* Add support for ARM64 architecture. See https://github.com/alkaline-ml/pmdarima/issues/434
* Introduce new arg, `preserve_series`, to `pmdarima.utils.check_endog` that will preserve or squeeze a Pandas Series object to preserve index information.
* Update Cython pinned version to include `!=0.29.31`