* No longer use statsmodels' `ARIMA` or `ARMA` class under the hood; only use
the `SARIMAX` model, which cuts back on a lot of errors/warnings we saw in the past.
* Defaults in the `ARIMA` class that have changed as a result of 211:
- `maxiter` is now 50 (was `None`)
- `method` is now 'lbfgs' (was `None`)
- `seasonal_order` is now `(0, 0, 0, 0)` (was `None`)
- `max_order` is now 5 (was 10) and is no longer used as a constraint when `stepwise=True`
* Correct bug where `aicc` always added 1 (for constant) to degrees of freedom,
even when `df_model` accounted for the constant term.
* New `pmdarima.arima.auto.StepwiseContext` feature for more control over
fit duration (introduced by [kpsunkara](https://github.com/kpsunkara) in #221.
* Adds the `pmdarima.preprocessing.LogEndogTransformer` class as discussed in
* Exogenous arrays are no longer cast to numpy array by default, and will pass pandas
frames through to the model. This keeps variable names intact in the summary 222
* Added the `prefix` param to exogenous featurizers to allow the addition of meaningful
names to engineered features.
* Added polyroot test of near non-invertibility when `stepwise=True`. For
models that are near non-invertible will be deprioritized in model selection
as requested in 208
* Removes `pmdarima.arima.ARIMA.add_new_samples`, which was previously deprecated.
Use `pmdarima.arima.ARIMA.update` instead.
* The following args have been deprecated from the `pmdarima.arima.ARIMA` class
as well as `pmdarima.arima.auto_arima` and any other calling methods/classes:
- `disp`<sup>[1]</sup>
- `callback`<sup>[1]</sup>
- `transparams`
- `solver`
- `typ`
[1] These can still be passed to the `fit` method via `**fit_kwargs`, but should
no longer be passed to the model constructor.
* Added `diff_inv` function that is in parity with [R's implementation](https://stat.ethz.ch/R-manual/R-devel/library/stats/html/diffinv.html), as requested in #180
* Added `decompose` function that is in parity with [R's implementation](https://www.rdocumentation.org/packages/stats/versions/3.6.1/topics/decompose),
as requested in 190