* Utility functions for reading common mesh formats (OBJ, OFF, PLY) * Utility functions for writing common mesh formats (OBJ, OFF)
* Add the function `sample_point_cloud_poisson_disk` which downsamples a dense point cloud with Poisson Disk Sampling
* Don't build with MKL unless `--use-mkl' flag is passed or `USE_MKL` environment var is set - MKL is hard to install if you're not using conda and I don't want to break pip users. I'll enable it by default in conda.
* Bump numpyeigen version which now inclcudes Python.h before numpyarrayobject.h. - This should fix older versions of numpy
* git submodules suck, move numpyeigen to be a CMake external project instead. * Make MKL required if it is enabled
* Added optional MKL support from CMake * Cleaned up `setup.py` so things should be buildable from conda