- :class:`.Reddit` keyword argument ``token_manager``.
- :class:`.FileTokenManager` and its parent abstract class :class:`.BaseTokenManager`.
- The configuration setting ``refresh_token`` is deprecated and its use will result in a
:py:class:`DeprecationWarning`. This deprecation applies in all ways of setting
configuration values, i.e., via ``praw.ini``, as a keyword argument when initializing
an instance of :class:`.Reddit`, and via the ``PRAW_REFRESH_TOKEN`` environment
variable. To be prepared for PRAW 8, use the new :class:`.Reddit` keyword argument
``token_manager``. See :ref:`refresh_token` in PRAW's documentation for an example.
- :meth:`.me` will no longer return ``None`` when called in :attr:`.read_only` mode
starting in PRAW 8. A :py:class:`DeprecationWarning` will be issued. To switch forward
to the PRAW 8 behavior set ``praw8_raise_exception_on_me=True`` in your
:class:`.Reddit` call.