- :meth:`.Subreddits.search_by_topic` to search subreddits by topic. (see:
- :meth:`.LiveHelper.__call__` to provide interface to
- :class:`.SubredditFilters` to work with filters for special subreddits, like
- Added callables for :class:`.SubredditRelationship` and :class:`.SubredditFlair` so
that ``limit`` and other parameters can be passed.
- Add :meth:`.Message.reply` to :class:`.Message` which was accidentally missed
- Add ``sticky`` parameter to :meth:`.CommentModeration.distinguish` to sticky comments.
- :meth:`.Submission.flair` to add a submission's flair from an instance of
- :meth:`.Comment.parent` to obtain the parent of a :class:`.Comment`.
- :meth:`.opt_in` and :meth:`.opt_out` to :class:`.Subreddit` to permit working with
quarantined subreddits.
- :class:`.LiveUpdate` to represent an individual update in a :class:`.LiveThread`.
- Ability to access an individual :class:`.LiveUpdate` via
- :meth:`.LiveThread.updates` to iterate the updates of the thread.
- :meth:`.me` now caches its result in order to reduce redundant requests for methods
that depend on it. Set ``use_cache=False`` when calling to bypass the cache.
- :meth:`.replace_more` can be called on :class:`.Comment` ``replies``.
- ``validate_time_filter`` will be removed from the public interface in PRAW 4.2 as it
was never intended to be part of it to begin with.
- Iterating directly over :class:`.SubredditRelationship` (e.g., ``subreddit.banned``,
``subreddit.contributor``, ``subreddit.moderator``, etc) and :class:`.SubredditFlair`
will be removed in PRAW 5. Iterate instead over their callables, e.g.
``subreddit.banned()`` and ``subreddit.flair()``.
- The following methods are deprecated to be removed in PRAW 5 and are replaced with
similar ``Comment.mod...`` and ``Submission.mod...`` alternatives:
``Subreddit.mod.approve``, ``Subreddit.mod.distinguish``,
``Subreddit.mod.ignore_reports``, ``Subreddit.mod.remove``,
``Subreddit.mod.undistinguish``, ``Subreddit.mod.unignore_reports``.
- Support for passing a :class:`.Submission` to :meth:`.SubredditFlair.set` will be
removed in PRAW 5. Use :meth:`.Submission.flair` instead.
- The ``thing`` argument to :meth:`.SubredditFlair.set` is replaced with ``redditor``
and will be removed in PRAW 5.
- :meth:`.SubredditModeration.update` accurately updates ``exclude_banned_modqueue``,
``header_hover_text``, ``show_media`` and ``show_media_preview`` values.
- Instances of :class:`.Comment` obtained through the inbox (including mentions) are now
- Searching ``r/all`` should now work as intended for all users.
- Accessing an invalid attribute on an instance of :class:`.Message` will raise
:py:class:`AttributeError` instead of :class:`.PRAWException`.