* 4Eyes token uses multi challenge authentication (2317)
* Require attestation certificate when enrolling
certificate token (2152)
* Tokens
* Allow to update firebase_token of a Push Token (2436)
* Support WebAuthn tokens without sign_count (2361)
* PSKC import now verifies the MAC of the token secrets (2312)
* Configure length and contents of registration token via policy (2284)
* The questionnaire token can now ask several questions from the list (2137)
* Event handler:
* Choose SMS Gateway Identifier in Tokenhandler
when enrolling SMS token (2506)
* Choose SMTP Identifier in Tokenhandler
when enrolling Email token (2452)
* Increase or decrease failcounter in Tokenhandler (2402)
* Allow to set maxfail counter in event handlers (2541)
* Policies:
* Add extended conditions for tokeninfo (1947)
* Web UI
* PIN can be changed with Challlenge Response when authenticating
at the WebUI (2474)
* Hide some audit log columns for service desk users (2372)
* Allow to configure a link to a policy statement/GDPR (2325)
* Audit log now contains start time, end time and
duration of a request (2254)
* The length of the audit columns to be truncated can be
configured in pi.cfg (1756)
* Action grouping in scope authorization (2438)
* Redesign welcome message for community version (2397)
* Add usernames and serials of failed authentications
as shortlink into dashboard (2475)
* Policy to add node name in the web UI (1961)
* Make event conditions searchable (2148)
* Align search layout in event conditions and policy actions (2557)
* pi-manage: export resolver configuration (1329)
* Documentation:
* Add note about SELinux and using non-standard ports (2459)
* Explain sync_to_database for script handlers (2450)
* Add documentation for RADIUS configuration (2448)
* Allow equal signs in policy actions (2494)
* Challenge Response is now checked independently on the presence
of a challenge in the database (2491)
* Fix enrollment of two tokens using double click (2487)
* Fix wrong (to few) number of authentication requests
in the dashboard (2473)
* Allow setting an empty PIN in the UI (2472)
* The dashboard only displays information, which an admin is
allowed to see, without throwing errors (2456)
* Fix length of hashed password column in auth_cache table (2446)
* Fix url_decode (2345)
* Fix missing adminuser when importing policies (2340)
* Hide browser autocomplete in user search field (2292)
* Disable browser autocomple fields that clash with
search fields in the UI (2401)
* Fix challenge response with multiple FIDO2 tokens (2092)