* New Token-Type OCRA and DisplayTAN to support
transaction signing for online banking (767)
* Federation Handler allows to forward authentication
requests and other REST API requests to a child
privacyIDEA system (711)
* Improved Subscription Handling
* Allow to login with multiple loginnames (713)
* Authentication Cache policy (729)
* !!!NOTE!!! following policies now also honor the resolvers,
which they did not previously:
(AUTH, challenge_response), (AUTH, otppin),
(AUTHZ, auth_max_success), (AUTHZ, auth_max_fail),
(AUTHZ, last_auth), (WEBUI, login_mode),
(ENROLL,losttoken_pw_contents), (ENROLL,losttoken_validity),
(ENROLL, losttoken_pw_len) (736)
* User can regenerate the QR Code during enrollment
of smartphone app (766)
* Administrator can define remote privacyIDEA servers
centrally (711)
* Events can now be ordered. This is important for the
federation handling (711)
* Specify the hash algorithm that is used to save
SQL users passwords (745)
* Add welcome dialog for administrator (716)
* Allow creating oracle DB (752)
* Event Handler can use timestamps and time offsets in
conditions (741)
* Use challenge/response token to unlock the screen of
the web UI (702)
* Support multiple challenge/response token at the same
time (722)
* GPG keys are generated during package installation and
show the GPG key in the import dialog (742)
* Failcounter clearing timeout in UI (719)
* Allow to send challenge data (like banking transaction) in
email text and SMS text.
* Set default loglevel from DEBUG to INFO (765)
* Fixed PIN logging, which could lead to exceptions
* Fixed unicode handling in log messages
* Make LDAP Resolver work with utf8 (738)
* User can only choose hash algo according to policy (723)
* Add time period 30/60s to rollout URI (744)
* Fix deprecation warning for flask_migrate (734)
* Allow multiple tries for challenge/response (708)
* Fix problem with certificate serial number (737)