
Latest version: v0.4.0

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Changes since the v0.2.7 release.

had to correct some discrepancy in sim hal files for programmable coolant


Changes since the v0.2.5 and v0.2.6 release.

added hardware test version for programmable coolant system

added file system selectiong start folder via ini entry to personalize what folder is default

updated tool touch off to fix some bugs with work offsets causing incorrect tool length measurements

IMPORTANT NOTE: G59.3 work offset MUST have zero offset for tool touch off to work as it uses G59.3 as the wcs when measuring tool lengths now. if there are work offsets set in G59.3 the tool_touch_off.ngc file will generate inaccurate tool lengths.


Changes since the v0.2.5 release.


Changes since the v0.2.4 release.

- fixed ini files to load blank.ngc to avoid vtk errors from trying to use sims without file loaded.


Changes since the v0.2.3 release.

- updated tool touch off and added tool radius offset option button

- added axis display selection check boxes on settings page

- edited tool table to remove x and y offset display

- edited offsets table to remove a and b axis offsets to eliminate error when updating offsets table if only 3 axis are used.


Changes since the v0.2.2 release.

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