
Latest version: v0.4.0

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Changes since the v0.2.1 release.

fixed some things with tool touch off sub and fixed the set G30 button and dro's with updated dmseg populating. removed olf aio requirement, made dro's read only to reduce confusion, g30 position must be set with machine physically at position and use the set tool touch off position button.


Changes since the v0.2.0 release.

missing sub file in probe basic sim subroutine folder last update :(


Changes since the v0.1.9 release.

change M6 G43 buttons to subcall buttons with proper code structure


Changes since the v0.1.8 release.

fixed critical tool load and m6 buttons to initiate T G43 H when selected to activate tool length offset. it is safer to have them activate on load and M6 tool change then not have them and it interfered with probing and zero setting by using the previous tools tlo.


Changes since the v0.1.7 release. fixed load tool button so it works with keyboard enter click


Changes since the v0.1.6 release. fixed critical bug in go to home button subroutine

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