
Latest version: v6.1.0

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Bug fixes:

- fixes modal behaviour after form submission in 404 page
[rohnsha0] 1636


Bug fixes:

- Remove deferred import for `INavigationRoot`.
We said we would remove this in Plone 5.0 because it was moved to ``.
Meanwhile it has been moved to `plone.base`.
Should be fine to remove: a Plone Site that still has this location as a persistent marker interface, needs to be migrated to Plone 5.2 and then go through `zodbupdate` for Python 3, so the persistent interface location will be updated.
mauritsvanrees 4090
- Fix DeprecationWarnings. [maurits] 4090


- Updated metadata version to 6107.
[maurits] 6107


Breaking changes:

- Officially drop support for Python 3.8 and 3.9.
This was always the case for Plone 6.1, but we did not yet say this in the changelog.
See [PLIP 3926](
[maurits] 3926

New features:

- Support Python 3.13. You need at least Python 3.13.1.
[maurits] 313
- Allow bundles to be rendered after all others.

JS and CSS resources can now be rendered after all other resources in their
resource group including the theme (e.g. the Barceloneta theme CSS).

There is an exception for custom CSS which can be defined in the theming
controlpanel. This one is always rendered as last style resource.

To render resources after all others, give them the "depends" value of "all".
For each of these resources, "all" indicates that the resource depends on all other resources, making it render after its dependencies.
If you set multiple resources with "all", then they will render alphabetically after all other.

This lets you override a theme with custom CSS from a bundle instead of having
to add the CSS customizations to the registry via the "custom_css" settings.
As a consequence, theme customization can now be done in the filesystem in
ordinary CSS files instead of being bound to a time consuming workflow which
involves upgrading the custom_css registry after every change.
[thet, petschki] 4054

Bug fixes:

- Fix more unstable robottests with "Wait For Condition" when clicking modal links.
[petschki] 4045
- Fix resources with relative URI in registry.
[petschki] 4049
- Fix removed `unittest.makeSuite` in python 3.13
[petschki] 4066
- Grant permission plone.ModifyConstrainTypes (Modify constrain types) to Manager, Site Administrator and Owner.
The change applies to new sites but is not applied automatically to upgraded sites.
[pbauer] 4072


- Updated metadata version to 6106.
[maurits] 6106


- add robot test scenario for contentbrowser widget
[1letter] 4043
- Fix more unstable robottests with "Wait For Condition" when rendering tinymce editor.
[1letter] 4052
- Update for `pat-contentbrowser` with new component registry.
[petschki] 4082


Breaking changes:

- Only register the add site form and root Zope overview if `plone.distribution` is not available.
[maurits] 3961
- Remove advanced options from Add Plone Site form.
If you need more options, you should add a Plone Distribution to your packages.
The main ones are `plone.volto` and `plone.classicui`.
We now only create a basic Plone site without default example content.
[maurits] 3961
- `factory.addPloneSite`: remove `setup_content` and `content_profile_id` keyword arguments.
We no longer load default content. Use a Plone Distribution if you need this.
Or pass an extra profile id in the `extension_ids` keyword argument.
[maurits] 3961

New features:

- make robot tests more robust
[1letter] 3813
- Port robot tests to playwright based tests, use robotframework browser library

Remove obsolete robodocs
[1letter, petschki] 3813
- You can pass a `distribution_name` to `factory.addPloneSite`.
We then pass all other arguments and keyword arguments to the `plone.distribution` site api.
[maurits] 3961
- Redirection control panel: Added support for start and end filters. Faakhir30 4009
- URL Management control panel: Find substring matches when querying aliases. davisagli 4031

Bug fixes:

- No longer hide from Add-ons control panel.
It is a core add-on, so you should be able to activate it if you add the package later.
[maurits] 139
- Update robot tests for new `pat-contentbrowser` pattern.

- Make tests more robust for new `pat-contentbrowser` pattern.
- add more robot tests for `pat-contentbrowser` pattern.
[1letter] 3980
- Update `pat-structureupdater` selectors.
[petschki] 4011
- Do not warn about missing profiles when they are registered in submodules of packages.
[petschki] 4015
- Update for strict parsing in `email.utils.getaddresses` newest versions.
[petschki] 4020
- Resource registry: Support OFS.Image.File objects.
[ale-rt, thet] 4022
- Avoid POSKeyError when commit occurs and we have savepoint that involves Plone Site. wesleybl 4026
- move all permission definitions for controlpanels to unifed file from controlpanel directory
[jackahl] 4028
- Robottest fixes for latest `pat-contentbrowser` updates.
[petschki] 4037
- Fix uploading themes with large resources in theming control panel.
[petschki] 4038


- Updated metadata version to 6105.
[maurits] 6105


Breaking changes:

- Use `Products.isurlinportal` directly, instead of relying on it patching our `URLTool`.
This solves a cyclic dependency.
[maurits] 12
- Turn in a core-addon.
[jensens] 3782

Bug fixes:

- Sort portal types in search filter according to `ReallyUserFriendlyTypes` using `unidecode` in ``. rohnsha0 3860
- Do not use deprecated `base_hasattr` in ``.
[maurits] 3998
- Use `five.registerPackage` so an editable install with `pip` works.
[maurits] 4002
- Fix help text for redirect target path. davisagli 4007


- Updated metadata version to 6104.
[maurits] 6104


Breaking changes:

- Remove `propertiestool` import step and usage of `portal_properties`.
Remove `site_properties` from `` and ajax template.
Remove `PropertiesTool` module.
[maurits] 125


- Update the link to the PLIPs page for Plone 6 Documentation. stevepiercy 3988

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