
Latest version: v6.1.0

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Bug Fixes:

- Release Plone 6.0.0a1.
No changes since previous release.
[maurits] (3341)


Bug Fixes:

- Use HTML5 meta charset.
[malthe] (2025)
- add icon_expr to view/edit action for iconresolver
[petschki] (3327)
- Set the "Show excluded items" (``show_excluded_items``) to False per default.
Setting it to ``True`` can introduce a performance problem.
``False`` should be the default, also from user expectation for the ``exclude_from_nav`` setting on content items.
No upgrade step!
Previous behavior is just kept, unless you override it manually.
See: 3055, first comment.
Use this registry snippet to set it false::

<?xml version="1.0"?>
<records prefix="plone" interface="Products.CMFPlone.interfaces.controlpanel.INavigationSchema">
<value key="show_excluded_items">False</value>

Fixes: 3035
[thet] (3329)
- Remove typo in ajax_main_template
[petschki] (3333)
- Fix some template issues to have properly translated messages (3334)
- Updated metadata version to 6001.
[maurits] (6001)


Breaking changes:

- Removed our CMFQuickInstallerTool code completely.
See `PLIP 1775 <>`_.
[maurits] (1775)
- Use Dexterity for the Plone Site root object.
This is `PLIP 2454 <>`_.
[jaroel, ale-rt] (2454)
- Removed dependency on ``Products.TemporaryFolder``.
Note: in your ``plone.recipe.zope2instance`` buildout part, you must set ``zodb-temporary-storage = off``,
otherwise you get errors when starting Plone.
See `issue 2957 <>`_.
[maurits] (2957)
- A part of "Drop Python 2 Support for Plone 6" 2812:
Reflect dropping of Python 2 support in
Bump version to 6.0
[jensens] (3041)
- Removed ``folder_publish.cpy`` script.
Replaced with folder_publish browser view in ````.
Removed deprecated transitionObjectsByPaths.
[maurits] (3057)
- Removed Products.CMFFormController dependency.
[maurits] (3057)
- Removed ``content_status_modify.cpy`` script and its validator ``validate_content_status_modify.vpy``.
Replaced with ``content_status_modify`` browser view in ````.
[maurits] (3057)
- Barceloneta LTS theming (3061)
- Remove six at all places where used. [jensens] (3183)
- Remove ``portal_utf8`` and it twin ``utf8_portal`` from ``utils`` and ``PloneTool`` since its never used nowhere. [jensens] (3183)
- Remove `meta_type` index and metadata from catalog.
Both were unused in Plone core and rarely used in addons.
[jensens] (3208)
- Plone 6 with markup update for Bootstrap.
Extensive overhaul of Plone ui elements based on Bootstrap components.
Introduction of icon resolver with use of icon_epr definitions.
[1letter, agitator, ale-rt, balavec, ericof, erral, frapell, fredvd, fulv, gomez, jensens, krissik,
mauritsvanrees, mrtango, nilshofer, petschki, santonelli, thet, thomasmassmann, tkimngyuen,
tschorr] (3249)

New features:

- Custom date format strings from registry can be in the ``${}`` format as in the locales files.
If there's a day or month name used, this will be translated.
For bbb the classic strftime ``%`` strings are still behaving like before.
[jensens] (3084)
- Add icon resolver to return url or tag for given icon.
[santonelli] (3192)
- Include a controlpanel to inspect and rebuild relations.
[pbauer] (3231)
- Add PLONE60MARKER (and PLONE52MARKER) Python marker
[sneridagh] (3257)
- Protect historyview with Modify portal content permission. Fixes 3297
[pbauer] (3297)

Bug Fixes:

- Add ```` to the list of add-ons that is upgraded when upgrading Plone.
[maurits] (82)
- Change control panel item sorting and sort them by title
[erral] (721)
- No longer doubly undo a response Content-Type change when combining bundles.
[maurits] (1924)
- Removed dependency on Products.Sessions.
It is still pulled in by Products.PluggableAuthService though.
See also `CMFPlacefulWorkflow issue 35 <>`_.
[maurits] (2957)
- Fix issue with search view when filtering by creation date
[frapell] (3007)
- Merge Hotfix20200121: isURLInPortal could be tricked into accepting malicious links. (3021)
- Merge Hotfix20200121 Check of the strength of password could be skipped. (3021)
- Improve tests for the workflow tool method listWFStatesByTitle (3032)
- A default WSGI configuration requires Paste which is only installed with the Zope[wsgi] extra..
[tschorr] (3039)
- Fixed deprecation warning for
[maurits] (3130)
- Fixed use of own ``utils.isDefaultPage``, which should be ``defaultpage.check_default_page_via_view``.
[maurits] (3130)
- Fixed invalid escape sequences in regular expressions.
[maurits] (3130)
- PloneBatch: define ``__bool__`` as copy of ``__nonzero__``.
Python 3 calls ``__bool__`` when doing ``bool(batch)``.
[maurits] (3175)
- No longer consider calling ``len(batch)`` as deprecated.
The deprecation warning is unvoidable with current ``Products.PageTemplates`` code.
Fixes `issue 3176 <>`_.
maurits (3176)
- Fix tests with Products.MailHost 4.10.
[maurits] (3178)
- Applied: `find . -name "*.py" |grep -v skins|xargs pyupgrade --py36-plus --py3-only`.
This auto-rewrites Python 2.7 specific syntax and code to Python 3.6+.
[jensens] (3185)
- Robot tests: Do not use jQuery.size() but use ``.length`` instead.
``.size()`` is deprecated since 1.8.
[thet] (3195)
- Remove traces of Archetypes
[pbauer] (3214)
- Fix problem to remove username and password from email settings if there was already one set.
[jensens] (3224)
- Fix migration when we have broken objects in the app root (e.g. the temp_folder) (3245)
- Fixed tests in combination with Products.PluggableAuthService 2.6.0.
[maurits] (3251)
- Fix closing curly brace in template.
[balavec] (3252)
- Add the remote code execution fix from the `Products.PloneHotfix20210518 expressions patch <>`_.
We need this because Zope 4.6.2 is too strict for us.
[maurits] (3274)
- Removed the docstring from various methods to avoid making them available via a url.
From the `Products.PloneHotfix20210518 reflected XSS fix <>`_.
[maurits] (3274)
- Remove unused imports. [jensens] (3299)
- Fix TypeError when adding a portlet. [daggelpop] (3303)
- The portal catalog will not try to index itself anymore [ale-rt] (3312)

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