
Latest version: v5.2

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- Changing a password would result in an error (Tracker issue
204 posted by Massimiliano Russo)
- If no results were returned from a user record search inside
getUserDetails then a faulty check for the length of the
returned result set would make it error out. Tracker issue
206, posted by William Carrel.
- Make sure that rebinding in _lookupuser will really fulfill
the promise of "uses the DN and password of the currently
logged-in user" in case the selected Manager DN usage calls
for it. (Tracker issue 210 by Oliver Pabst)
- "clear" has been added as a choice for password encryption
mechanism. The password will be stored unencrypted in LDAP
in that case. (Tracker issue 209 by Oliver Pabst)


- Thanks to a patch from Artur Zaprzala the default encoding
that gets applied to results from the LDAP servers can now be
changed in the utils module, whereas before it was hardcoded
to be "Latin-1" in all places.
- The getUserDetails method API was extended to allow passing
in a sequence of desired attributes. This is helpful when
certain attributes (e.g. binary pictures) are not needed and
would unnecessarily slow down the request. This feature
suggested by Artur Zaprzala.
- The module reorganization broke the decoding of UTF-8 values
which meant non-ASCII characters appeared as garbage
characters. Artur Zaprzala posted a set of patches in Tracker
issue 198 to fix the issue and simplify/improve the unicode
handling in general.




That's it, folks... this is the end of the 1.x line of
LDAPUserFolders. The new version, LDAPUserFolder 2.x,
is out by now and I encourage everyone to give it a try. It
has many added features and, above all, a refactored code
base that makes it easier for me to maintain and improve.

From this point on no new features will be added to the
1.x series, and only urgent bug fixes. All development will
concentrate on the 2.x series.


- Fixed a bug that could allow access with an invalid password
(Tracker issues 185, 188)
- Some more small logging improvements


- A brand new object can now be instantiated after upgrading
to this version. It's called "LDAPUserSatellite" and is
used to manipulate roles for a user based on the context
the user is in if a LDAPUserSatellite is around.
Roles can be manipulated by applying a mapping from
LDAP group to additional Zope role and/or performing
a group record lookup in an additional groups search
path on your LDAP server.
The LDAPUserSatellite does not directly change global roles
on the user object like the LDAPRoleTwiddler and
LDAPRoleExtender did, it uses internal Zope security
mechanisms to compute roles based on context.
This new object replaces both the LDAPRoleTwiddler and
the LDAPRoleExtender, which are hereby deprecated.
Thanks go to Dirk Datzert who did some extensive testing
and helped me hunt down a lot of bugs.
- Better logging for using cached users
- Caches ZMI tab more informative by presenting both
authenticated and anonymous cache contents
- Update some outdated help files for the LDAPUserFolder

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