- Factoring: Removed the SSHA module in favor of using Zope's
AccessControl.AuthEncoding module to handle password creation for
most types of encryption.
- Bug: Binary attribute handling in manage_addUser was broken. Only the
first character in the binary attribute's value would be stored.
- Miscellaneous: Weed out all LDAP search calls that would indiscriminately
pull all attributes from a user record. This will reduce server load if
the user record contains large attributes such as jpegPhoto.
- Feature: Added GenericSetup support with import/export steps for the
LDAPUserFolder. When installing the LDAPUserFolder via Buildout, make
sure to specify the extra name "exportimport" to automatically pull
the GenericSetup dependency: Products.LDAPUserFolder[exportimport]
- Factoring: GenericSetup profile registration and CMF skin folder
registration now moved from code to ZCML. Renamed profile
"default" to "cmfldap", that's a more descriptive name. The minimum CMF
version required for installing the CMF integration is now 2.1.0, which
implies Zope 2.10.4 or later.