
Latest version: v4.2.10

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- Fixed POD templates using oj-avec-annexes.odt that failed to render late items
- In profile zcity, use same directory_position_types as in profile examples_fr
- Run Products.PloneMeeting upgrade step to 4100 after upgraded to 4.1



- When applying 'meetingadvicefinances_add_advicecreated_state' WF adaptation, set advicecreated state as new_initial_state
- In query_itemstocontrolcompletenessof, do not use the config.FINANCE_WAITING_ADVICES_STATES but compute the states in which advice
can be given by finances groups
- Override MeetingItem._adviceTypesForAdviser to manage finances specific advice types
- Get rid of config.FINANCE_WAITING_ADVICES_STATES, get those states dynamically using utils.finances_give_advice_states



- Make sure to update contacts directory position_types if only the 'default' position type is defined while migrating to v4.1
- Added new finances advice search compoundcriterion adapter ItemsWithAdviceAdviceCreatedAdapter to search items having advice in state 'advicecreated'
- When using MeetingItem.completeness, set automatically completeness to 'completeness_evaluation_asked_again' when advices are asked
- Define config.FINANCE_WAITING_ADVICES_STATES=[] by default so it does not do anything if not overrided



- Be defensive in CustomMeetingConfig.getUsedFinanceGroupIds if FINANCE_ADVICES_COLLECTION_ID does not have a
'indexAdvisers' filter or if 'indexAdvisers' filter is empty



- Added translations for 'meetingadvicefinances_workflow' WF adaptations



- Added 'conseiller', 'depute' and 'conseiller-president' in examples_fr import_data directory_position_types
- Added sample view.print_attendees_by_type(group_position_type=True, render_as_html=True, ignored_pos_type_ids=[]) to attendees POD template
to show how it works to display a single held_position label when no position_type is defined on some held_positions and we use group_position_type=True
- Added wfAdaptation 'meetingadvicefinances_controller_propose_to_manager' that adds transition from 'proposed_to_financial_controller'
to 'proposed_to_financial_manager'
- Added helper method CustomMeetingConfig._has_meetingadvicefinances_wf_adaptations that returns True if some finances advice related
workflow adaptations are selected, this will trigger the fact that 'patched_meetingadvicefinances_workflow' is created
- In financesadvice_workflow, Manage MeetingItem.completeness in mayProposeToFinancialController so an item that needs completeness evaluation
can not be proposed to financial controller
- Remove import_step calling setuphandlers.updateRoleMappings
- Adapted code to use MeetingItem.getGroupsInCharge(first=True) instead MeetingItem.getGroupInCharge that was removed

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