- Hide 'searchvalidateditems' to power observers (restricted included)
- Updated decide_item_when_back_to_meeting_from_returned_to_proposing_group decided state to 'accept_but_modify' instead of 'accept' (from PloneMeeting)
- In profile 'examples_fr', enable WFAdaptations 'presented_item_back_to_itemcreated' and 'presented_item_back_to_proposed'
- In profile 'examples_fr', enable relevant transitions to confirm
- In profile 'examples_fr', enable 'groups_in_charge' for 'Secrétariat Général' and configure auto asked advice for it
- In profile 'examples_fr', enable 'MeetingItem.manuallyLinkedItems' field
- In profile 'examples_fr', enable 'Agenda with annexes' by default
- Adapted code regarding MeetingConfig.powerObservers
- Enabled wfAdaptation 'only_creator_may_delete' by default for profiles 'examples_fr' and 'simple'
- Added JenkinsFile for CI triggers
- PloneMeeting's MeetingWorkflowConditions was simplified, no need to redefine mayCorrect anymore
- Give 'Review portal content' permission to MeetingManager in Meeting WF in state 'closed' as it is now possible for
MeetingManagers to correct a closed meeting depending on MeetingConfig.meetingPresentItemWhenNoCurrentMeetingStates
- Make test test_pm_ObserversMayViewInEveryStates easier to override by plugins
- Added standard install profile for city