[0.79.0](https://github.com/projen/projen/compare/v0.78.13...v0.79.0) (2024-01-10)
* **nextjs:** Minimum Node version is now 16.14.0 to match Next 13's minimum node version.
* **nextjs:** Next.js TSConfig `module` is now `esnext` by default, to preserve previous behavior, set `module` to `CommonJS`.
* **nextjs:** Next.js TSConfig `moduleResolution` is now `BUNDLER` by default, to preserve previous behavior, set `moduleResolution` to `NODE`.
* **nextjs:** Next.js TSConfig `strict` is now set to `true` by default, to preserve previous behavior, set `strict` to `false`.
Bug Fixes
* **nextjs:** updated `NextJsProject` default options ([3241](https://github.com/projen/projen/issues/3241)) ([afcefde](https://github.com/projen/projen/commit/afcefde934eda233228c355ed4797a5e9ea124f1))