[0.74.0](https://github.com/projen/projen/compare/v0.73.45...v0.74.0) (2023-10-06)
* **node-package:** This may potentially affect some edge cases that were relying on the internal implementation of the dependencies handling. If new dependencies appear/disappear after applying this fix, previous code `preSynthesize` handler should be inspected for any `.addDependency`-like calls - those were incorrectly ignored previously and should be removed if actually are not needed.
Bug Fixes
* **node-package:** components cannot change deps at preSynthesize stage ([2964](https://github.com/projen/projen/issues/2964)) ([5823491](https://github.com/projen/projen/commit/58234918c8eca8e357624c7ec2b6f887be9af717))