
Latest version: v0.61.0

Safety actively analyzes 665719 Python packages for vulnerabilities to keep your Python projects secure.

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- [BUGFIX] Fix some timezone display bugs for alerts page and silence menus 306
- [BUGFIX] Fix typo in 'No results' message 292
- [BUGFIX] Split bootstrap checks to avoid check errors 303
- [DOCUMENTATION] Add note about reporting vulnerability 298
- [DOCUMENTATION] Update install docs to mention Makefile 299
- [IMPROVEMENT] Link back to Promgen in processed alert 307


- [BUGFIX] Fix checks that rely on database connection 280
- [BUGFIX] Fix overflow formatting for notifiers 290
- [BUGFIX] Use alternate Vue delimiters to fix double rendering bugs 288
- [INTERNAL] Bump django from 2.2.10 to 2.2.13 284


- [BUGFIX] Fix our check warning messages 277
- [BUGFIX] Add scroll bar to notifier table 273
- [INTERNAL] Refactoring and cleaning up `promgen bootstrap` 270
- [ENHANCEMENT] Use the django checks framework to diagnose common errors 271
- [ENHANCEMENT] Select multiple servers to silence 268



Promgen no longer defaults `ALLOWED_HOSTS = ['*']` so deployments should set it properly.
You can also export `ALLOWED_HOSTS=*` to disable this check


- [BUGFIX] Fix unique_together for Exporter 267
- [BUGFIX] Fix Makefile command 265
- [BUGFIX] Fix exporter test button 263
- [BUGFIX] Fix missing scheme on default exporter 259
- [BUGFIX] Fix test data for notifier test 257
- [BUGFIX] Fix missing error message with duplicate Rule name 254
- [BUGFIX] Fix race condition between process and index alerts 251 250
- [ENHANCEMENT] Allow toggling notifiers 258
- [ENHANCEMENT] Allow quick access to Prometheus ui from Project 252


- [BUGFIX] Update to redirect to correct location 246
- [ENHANCEMENT] Allow filtering alerts on alert list page 242
- [INTERNAL] Cleanup some minor migration issues 241
- [INTERNAL] Clenaup test cases 243
- [INTERNAL] Helper to rewrite query string for paginated lists 244
- [INTERNAL] Refactoring help_text 237
- [INTERNAL] Rename commands to better group similar functionality 247
- [INTERNAL] Update circleci config 245


- [BUGFIX] Add missing duration label to rules page 238
- [BUGFIX] Fix for labelvalues 234, 240
- [ENHANCEMENT] Support http/https when configuring exporters 235

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